18 - Party Dress

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I felt kind of bad going out on the weekend after Nick's encounter with his dad but I had promised Rachel that I would go out to the mall with her.

"You looking forward to prom?" she asks trying to fill the awkward silence in the car.

"I guess, haven't really thought about it" I admit. This was true, it was still a few weeks away. It hadn't really popped up as something important. It didn't bother me.

"Do you think Luke's going to ask me?" she questions concerned for the future.

"Of course, I mean who else would he ask?"

"Let's just say he has a lot of options" shes sighs as she rests her head against my car window.

"What's that meant to mean?" I was curious. Was Luke once again reverting to his old ways?

"A lot of pretty girls would die to get to go to prom with THE Luke Porter. I mean why the hell would he want to go with some ugly pregnant girl?" she sighs as she emphasises the word 'the'.

"But you're his 'pregnant girl' and you're not ugly. You're actually really pretty." I tell her to boost her confidence.I wasn't lying, she was pretty. Her face wasn't as heavily made up as it could be, she had natural beauty. Which I was actually quite jealous of. Who would've thought I would be a little bit jealous of the infamous Rachel?

"Thanks Clem." she replies.

She pays for the parking lot in return for my journey and we head out to the clothes shops. She was very glamourous when it came to clothing where me on the other hand would be fine with a t-shirt and jeans the rest of my life. I flick through the vast amounts of clothes in the shop hoping to find something I liked. I had some cash from working with Omid so my money situation was alright to splash some hard earned cash on some clothes.

My mom complained I had too many clothes, I disagree. I could never have enough. I needed more, I mean what if my favourite t-shirt got ruined? I'd need another favourite t-shirt to replace it.

"Wow, that one would look really nice" Rachel points out as I hold a skirt dress on the front of my body as I look at myself in the mirror.

"It's more of a party dress though, I don't really go to parties." I inform her as I frown at the dress. She was right, it did look nice.

"Well maybe we could have our own party?" Rachel asks sitting on a stood off to the side of the change rooms.

"Haven't you noticed things always go wrong whenever we go to parties? I try to avoid them." I admit giving one last glance at the dress before I prepare myself to return it.

"Get it. Trust me. It'll be fun. My house." She tries to convince me.

"I don't know..." I say uneasily.

"Go on...look at that dress. I mean, look at how nice you look in it. Wouldn't you want Nick to see you in it? To see how good you look?" She was an evil girl. I finally rolled my eyes, giving in and walking over to the counter with the dress in my hands.

"You're pure evil" I grin at her as I hand over the cash to the cashier.

"I know" she smirks. She was already taking out her phone, most likely to text all of the people about her 'party'.

"Don't your parents care?" I ask as the cashier hands me the bag with the dress inside. We begin to walk outside of the shop and she continues to speak.

"They're out all of the time, I barely see them. My stepmom is a little nuts but we all get by. They're always on business trips, they work together." Rachel explains. We subconsciously begin to walk towards a small cafe.

"If you don't mind me asking, where's your mom?" I say awkwardly.

"She kind of left after my dad had an affair. I asked her if I could go with her and she said 'I have to sort some things out first'. That was 3 years ago, I haven't heard from her since"

"I'm sorry to hear that." I mutter. I felt bad, it was as if I was the only one in my friend group with a nuclear family. Everyone else was members of broken families where their foundations were collapsing.

We both walk into the cafe. It was a small independent business. I got myself a coffee and a sandwich, I'm pretty sure Rachel did the same except for she had tea. We sat there laughing. It was nice to finally have a 'girlfriend'. I had always hung around with the boys but it was nice to finally get a girls opinion on things.

We sipped on our drinks and shared funny stories of when we were younger. She wasn't as horrible as I first thought when I met her, she was just overprotective. This whole baby thing had definitely given her a new outlook on life. Maybe she didn't want to be like her mother?

"I think them boys are checking us out" Rachel giggles as she stares over my shoulder. I quickly turn my head around and see two boys, one with luscious blonde hair and the other with brown spiky hair. Rachel knocks on the table and I quickly turn my head back to her. "Don't stare, you'll make it obvious."

"Okay, there's no way they were checking me out. They're way too hot" I laugh. Rachel looks down at her drink.

"I don't think single guys would be attracted to me anymore. The baby kind of puts people off." She finally cracks a smile and laughs.

"We've got our goofy boys anyway. We don't need them, although if they do come over, dibs on the blonde one." I joke.

"Alright, spikys mine. Holy shit, they're coming over" she whispers to me across the table. I twist my head and see the two boys walking over.

"What are two pretty little ladies doing here today?" The blonde one asks pushing back his hair with his fingers.

"Obviously not getting lunch" I say sarcastically. They were obviously just that type of guy that does this to every girl they come across.

"Well maybe we could all get lunch together sometime" the brunette asks.

"We're taken" I tell them. As hot as they looked I could never do that to Nick. Rachel shoots me a glare.

"Right, I didn't expect beautiful girls like you to be single" the blonde sighs. He was about to walk off when Rachel grabbed his arm.

"I'm Rachel and this is Clementine" she introduced us to the strangers. They raise their eyebrows at my name, it always seems to happen.

"Well I'm Blake and this is Aaron, but I just call him asshole." The blonde announces. Aaron shoots a glare at his friend.

"Fuck off dickwad" he snarls before turning back to me and Rachel.

"I'm having a party next week, you seem reasonable. You guys want to come?" Rachel asks them. I suddenly duplicate the glare Aaron did at Blake in shock and anger. Why would she invite strangers to a party...with alcohol...at her house?

"There going to be booze?" Aaron asks.

"Of course. But I'd appreciate as much as we can get." She informs them. Rachel really seemed to have this last minute party plan underway. Even though she would be the only sober one there, due to the baby.

"We can grab a couple of cans. No problem" Blake confirms. Rachel fiddles around in her handbag for a pen. She grabs a napkin and begins to jot down her address and a date for next Saturday.

"If you want to show up, make sure its only you guys." I interrupt.

"Clem, if they want to bring people. They can, the bigger the better." Rachel announces. I was actually getting really concerned about this party and it hadn't even started yet, it was only set in action less than an hour ago.

"Alright girls, we best be getting off but I always show up to a good party. I'll bring some friends" Blake nods as he looks down at the napkin once again.

Aaron follows him out of the door. They didn't seem like much, more like high school dropouts than anything important. I didn't like the idea of this.

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