7 - Gift

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School. It was a place that I despised for various reasons. Usually I loved going to school because I was with Nick , but this week I would be on my own. Luke and friends didn't seem to like the idea of me riding solo so they kindly adopted me.

"Hey Clem" a voice said. A gentle voice. A female voice. Rachel. I spin on my heels and give her a look.

"Hey?" I look confused as she actually...smiles at me.

"Look, I know we got off to a bad start but I want to change things, can we please start over?" She asks me giving me a lopsided smile.

"I guess" I give her yet another confused look, there was no way Rachel was standing in front of me. Maybe Luke was right? Maybe the pregnancy did scare her and by the looks of it she hasn't gotten rid of the baby. A small bump was forming on her skinny body. Luke's baby.

I could never really forgive her for sleeping with my boyfriend but to be fair, I slept with hers. Hypocrites were common in this world. I can't even explain how normal school was, just writing, some more writing and even more writing. It was a relief to finally get into my car at the end of school.

It was time to go and see Nick as I had promised him. But before I went I took a quick trip to Omid and Christa's shop. As I stepped out of the car I saw a sign in the window.

'Help wanted'

Now was my chance, a chance to finally get a job I had wanted for a long time. Instead of continuously relying on my parents. I walked inside and the bell on top of the door rang as the door swung open. Omid was at the counter pricing up new electronical entertainment.

"Its Clementine" he says as I walk in. I was a regular customer so they knew me quite well.

"Came to get some games, maybe talk about the sign in the window?" I query.

"Oh, help wanted? You want the job?" He asks, it seemed pretty easy.

"I'd like to apply, yes" I say anxiously leaning on the counter.

"You know, I was hoping you'd stop by. I mean, you're one of our top customers and you're friendly. Suitable candidate." He explains.

"So that's it then? I have the job?"

"Of course, I don't see anyone else walking through that door asking" he points out.

"So how come the jobs going anyway?"

"Christa's doing that whole mothering thing. Omid the second is not a happy little man without his mom" he smirks folding his arms.

"I thought his name wa-" he stops me.

"Its Omid the second" he says quickly. I couldn't help but laugh.

So it was confirmed. Omid told me I was starting work soon and I was pretty excited. I enjoyed the fact that he accepted me so quickly. I also managed to purchase what I had come in for, a PlayStation game for Nick. I drove to Nicks steadily, I was more cautious than I should be when it came to driving. It was quite nerve racking.

Nicks front door was unlocked and Pete had told me I could just walk in whenever because Nick obviously couldn't gallop down the stairs to answer the door. I crack open the door, there was no cars in the drive. Pete was at work and Nicks car was well, no longer a car. It was most likely being made into tin cans a couple of miles away.

I pace up the stairs and knock on his bedroom door and slowly push it open. The door creaked and I looked at the bed. Nick was laying there, asleep. His hat was hung on the bed post and he had blankets wrapped up to his chin. I had to agree with him there, even March was a little chilly at points. A lump in the bed where the metal cage around his leg sat indicated where I shouldn't sit down, because that would be a disaster.

I sit beside him on the bed with my feet dangling off the edge. I didn't really want to wake him but I wanted to speak to him, I missed our banter at school and trips behind the bike shed. Nick suddenly begins to move and becomes aware of my presence. His eyes slowly peel apart and they meet mine.

"Good day at school?" He groans sitting up and attempting to stretch the best he could.

"Average" I shrug.

"So how many guys did you kiss?" He smirked.

"Oh so many, the whole football team, that guy with the flicky hair from social studies and even that guy who always bites his nails" I say sarcastically finally deciding to lay down beside him on his average size bed. He shuffled over slightly to give me more room.

"Wow, you get around" he just looks at me. His crystal blue eyes were gleaming as usual. One of the most attractive features about him. The eyes were what hypnotized you.

"Kidding, I only kissed one boy and you know him very well." I smirk at him.


"You know them better than you know Luke" I tilt my head and kiss him. He just smiled on my lips.

"Its so boring here, I can't deal with a full week of sitting at home like this." He sighs.

"Well, I can come and hang out with you after school" I relax by resting on his chest.

"I know, but its still boring as fuck when you're not here"

"Oh that reminds me" I jump up off of the bed and go to the end where I had left the bag that I had brought from Omid's. I pull out a video game and Nicks eyes light up.

"Holy shit, you are the fucking best. I've wanted to play this for months but I never got around to buying it." He let's out a little squeel like a one direction fan girl as I hand him the case.

"So do you think you'll be bored now?" I ask him smiling at his bright face full of happiness from my kind gesture.

"Depends how fast I can finish it. You are a fucking angel.Come and sit down." He smirks still trying to believe I had gotten him a video game. I take my place beside him. He looped his arm around me placing his hand on my lower back.

"I'm getting used to you without the hat." I scruff the top of his head, his black hair was soft and fluffy.

"Don't, because it's going back on as soon as I get out of here" he looks down at me and smiles.

"Can I at least wash it?" I question.

"Nope" he smirks.

"I will one day" I poke him in the chest.

"No, you won't else I'll go ape shit" he explains. That hat seemed to mean the world to him, it was quite funny the way he treated it. He probably loved it more than me.

"One day" I smile.

"No" he growls getting defensive. I didn't intentionally mean to hurt him in anyway.

Holstering High School 2 (The Walking Dead Game - Alternative Universe)Where stories live. Discover now