17 - Not my dad

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"Oh my god what did puberty do to you? You're like a fucking Disney prince!" Mark stood on the doorstep and stared at his hobbling son stood behind me. I wanted to awkwardly back away but I knew now was not the time.

"Why are you here? I don't want to...I don't want to speak to you" Nick chokes. I knew he didn't want to speak with his dad, I just wanted to shut the door in his face to make him leave.

"Your bastard uncle ain't around, is he? Ditch you already, knew it" he says ignoring Nicks question.

"Dad! He's at work. Stop, I don't want anything to do with you. Fuck off." Nick shouts at Mark taking him by surprise.

I slowly slide backwards. Trying to get out of the conversation but to no avail. I just end up awkwardly hitting my heels into the door.

"Didn't know Pete had a good enough job to get a maid? You earning paper my son?" He smirks. I glare at him, he was speaking about me. Nick was right, he really was an asshole.

"Excus-" Before I could say anymore Nick placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Clem, go back inside. I need to handle this. I promise it'll be okay." He reassures me trying to whisper as much as he can yet it was obvious his dad could hear the entire thing.

"Oh right, so she's your bitch? Right? Could've gotten one with bigger tits" Nick's dad remarks. My eyebrows raise at his comment and Nick just pushes me back inside the house, most likely for protection.

He was still swinging on his crutches. I doubt he could fight him, unless he smacked him round the face with a crutch.

"Do you understand why I don't want to see you? You're an asshole!" Nick shouts. I go and sit awkwardly on the bottom step. I wanted to hear the conversation and provide backup if needed.

"Do you know what I've sacrificed for you?" Mark stands up tall to his son marking his dominance and poking Nick in the chest.

"Nothing. You know what, you've done nothing. You're not a fucking father. Fathers don't treat their sons like this. You're nothing to me." Nick growls, he had finally built the courage to say the things that needed to be said to the vile man.

"Your mom wouldn't be very happy with your behaviour"

"You don't know what she thinks you fucking mess. You're a waste of time. Nobody treats women like that! You're fucked in the head Mark. You're fucking nuts!" Nick finally screams, refusing to call his father 'dad' no longer.

"Why you crippled? Your little girlfriend beat you up? Cause that's what fucking happens when you don't control women! It's a patriarchal society bitch! Grow some fucking balls son!" He suddenly pushes Nick is the chest making him fall backwards on his ass as the crutches fly off to the side of him and make a loud noise as they collide with the wooden flooring.

"Fuck you" Nick snarls as he lays on the floor helplessly. This was one of the situations that I had no control over. I looked around for some way to help this from getting out of hand but there was nothing. Conveniently a car pulled up in the drive. Thank God for uncle Pete's perfect timing.

"I just want to spend some quality time with you son. Just grow up." Mark shrugs his shoulders and simply places his hand out for Nick to grab if he wanted to.

"Do you not think I've grown up enough? Perhaps I've grown up too fast! No kid deserves a shitty dad and a dead mom but these things happen. Even if I wanted to I couldn't be a kid, I skipped my childhood because of you! I had to look after mom and you weren't there. Either in a bar or fucking some whore down the street and even if you were here I wished you wasn't! Mom didn't need extra scars, don't you think the chemo was enough?" Nick barks back still on the floor. Mark backs up and attempts to process what his son was tell him.

But then Pete came through the doorway and saw a familiar face.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house! Get out!" Pete screams as he grabs Mark by the shoulders.

"Ain't you getting a little old for this now Pete?" Mark questions before doing a 180 turn and slamming his fist into Pete's face. Pete reacts by pushing the disobedient father through the doorway making him trip and land outside the door.

"Don't come anywhere near Nick again, you hear me?" Pete shouts at the man laying on the floor outside. Nicks dad stands up and brushes himself off.

"He's my son, not yours Pete. If I want to see him I can." He mutters.

"It's up to him now, not you. Maybe if you showed up at important times like his birthdays or sport games when he was younger he might be more accepting if you came to see him. Now get your drunk ass off of my property now!" Pete points his finger down the drive.

"I sent him a birthday card. What more can he want?" Mark shrugs his shoulders, trying to make himself look like the good guy.

"I never understood why my sister went anywhere near a disgusting man like you" Pete spits.

"Bitch di-" Mark was just about to say some harsh words about Nick's mother but before he could Nick shouted.

"Pete!" He said. This was the cue to stop his father from talking and get him as far away as possible from the house.

"Get the fuck off of my property else I'll call the police!" Pete howls as he interrupts the sorry excuse for a human on the doorstep.

Mark accepts defeat by turning around and heading in the opposite direction. Pete waits by the door until Mark is no longer in viewing distance before pulling Nick up by the hand. Pete pulled him in for an embraced and Nick took it, I was still sat awkwardly on the steps.

"You okay my son? Pete asks as he rubs the back of Nick's neck.

Nick just replies with a nod.

"I'd best be going now" I pipe up out of the blue making both Nick and Pete remember that I was sat on the bottom of the stairs.

Nick gives another nod to Pete who walks off into the kitchen, most likely to grab an ice pack for his jaw from being punched. Nick walked towards me.

"You're going to be okay. You did good." I reassure him with a smile.

"I'm getting there." He manages to smirk a little bit. He's most likely proud of being able to stand up for the father he hadn't seen in a long time.

"I'm going to head home now. Thank you for the food." I giggle slightly remembering that only around half an hour ago they were feeding each other chips on the couch.

"No problem. I hope you have a safe journey home. I love you" He spits out. He wasn't always the guy to say the three words but he said it more than any other boy had to me before. He must have seen something in me to tell me he loved me truthfully every time we departed each other.

He puts his finger under my chin and brings me in for a kiss. I end up smiling on his lips before whispering.

"I love you too"

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