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  "As an inspiration to our students we have one of Nigeria's really successful business lady in our midst to share her story and inspire us with her journey." The VC makes the announcement and climbs down from the podium and I take her place.

  "Good morning all. It sure is great to see such a loud crowd of excited new intakes and their equally excited parents. Without wasting time on trivialities my name is Mystique Osas. Don't feel left out if you've not heard about me its how I like it." I said as an introduction.

  I spent twenty minutes telling my story about how I grew from grass to grace emphasizing on how I focused on investing and reinvesting instead of blowing up my profit and of instead living larvishly.

  At the end of my speech and a resounding round of applause I exit the stage proud of my accomplishments and how far I had come. There was a time I was looked down on because I was considered as being beneath the wealthy. They didn't give me a chance or a hand up but here I am. And I wasn't interested in associating with them anymore. 

As I make my way out of the podium I can feel the stares. I expected it hence why I was dressed to the nines in a white Versace dress and a black M.E fashions ankle high heeled boot.

  On getting to the entrance I get stopped by a few people who wanted to congratulate me on my success and see if we could do some business together. I shake hands with a lot of people that I lose track of the names. My hands are filled with complementary cards and promises to reach out when I could meet.

  "There you are the belle of the moment!" Says Prince walking up to me and looking conflicted so I walk up to him and hug him.

  "Don't get it twisted it's your matriculation so you are the belle of the moment. Is your family here yet?" I ask him looking around.

  "Yes they are. My mum and sister thought it would be best to give you a little space to socialize with the big wigs." He says with a little laugh.

  "They didn't have to do that. SO where are they?" I ask him.

  "They are on their way to my dorm you are going to join us there right?" He asks me

  "Don't know yet. I have some business glitch to sort via conference call then I have to change what I have on. Would love to see Jane and your mum though so I might join you guys later." I inform him.

  "Are you still mad bout yesterday?" He asks me looking at my facial expression so I don't get away with a lie, making me laugh.

  "Baby that girl is too small to spoil my mood. If she didn't know how wrong she was yesterday now she does. Yesterday I had to revise my speech and you being there was going to get me distracted." I inform him.

  "You sure took me by surprise. How could you have hidden something like that from me?" He asks looking hurt.

  "It wasn't relevant so I guess it never really came up." I reply.

  "Oh so that's how it is. We now keep secrets?" He asks teasing.

  "Yes we do especially seeing as I'm too busy to discuss these things." I reply looking up at the perfect moment to see Chris and his companion from yesterday heading our way. "I gotta bounce baby. See you in like two hours." I tell him with a smile and a wink then take my leave.

  Thankfully my car wasn't boxed in so I hurry to it and pull out of the lot dumping the complimentary cards in the pidgeon hole of my car. Arriving at the hotel I make my video conference call to finalize the introduction of M.E fashions to retail outlets in the retail stores both in the US and UK. I knew this was the right time to showcase my fashion line to the world. The past one year has been spent training and retraining my tailors, designers and others on how to get the best quality of fashion fabrics and designs.

  I bath do my makeup light then put on jean shorts, white T-shirt and white sneakers. Put on some accessories, put my phone, tab and keys in my white cross bag then exit the hotel and drive to Prince's dorm.

  Getting a parking space was difficult because of the parents and family member that was around to celebrate with the matriculants. Inside the dorm the lobby is packed full with people of all ages

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