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SO far its been a splendid weekend with Mystique. There is no dull moment when she is around. The sex is explosive and her company is superb. We are currently lying in bed watching a very emotional movie.

  The title of the movie is 'when they see us' a movie that tells the story of how white police officers intentionally exploit the fear and vulnerability of some young black boys implicating them for the rape of a white young woman. The boys had been deceived to implicate themselves and others on video with the promise that they would let them go home. Unfortunately for the boys and their families they had all been sentenced to jail especially considering the judge was also biased. The boys had been sent to jail for various number of years depending on their involvement. After years of wrongful imprisonment the truth shone through and they got compensated for the lost of their youth.

  Mystique was openingly crying for the innocent boys who had been treated unfairly. She also cried when they regained their freedom.

  "So you know how to cry like this?" I ask her teasing.

  "Behind every smile of mine is a thousand tears." Is all she replies.

  I get that she just cried because of the emotional movie but I can't picture any other reason for her to cry. The rich people have everything they need and should always be filled with smiles. The tears should be left for those who had unmet needs.

  "You have spoiled me this weekend. I don't know I'm going to spend my usual weekend without you and your company." I say turning to her.

  "You are over thinking it. We still have one weekend to spend together. When I leave you will be too busy with work to notice there is a difference in your weekend. Or don't you know that your boss will be very demanding that you make up for lost time?" She asks me.

  "My madam is not like that. She isn't a slave worker plus she is considerate." I inform her.

  "She could be a saint but she would have you making up for lost time. My staffs say that I'm a lax boss but they know that no matter how lax I am they have to do their jobs. Its what they get paid for." She retorts.

  "How many staffs do you have working for you?" I ask her curious. She rarely talks about her businesses.

  "I really don't know. But the target is to have 2000 people directly and indirectly employed. My managers have not yet informed me that we have reached that goal so its safe to say I don't have up to 2000 staffs yet." She says.

  "What did you mean by indirect staffs?" I ask her.

  "Those staffs works for us partially. They are like contract staff. They work for wages or commission. We have them working only when we need than and pay them per hour. Examples are the taxi drivers we use for delivery of goods and services, the maintenance crew and some others like that." She says.

  "Your least paid worker gets paid how much?" I ask.

  "30k" she says.

  "Seriously? I don't get paid up to that!" I exclaim.

  "Well they work real hard and I'm not just after making a lot of profit and padding my account. I believe the workers should get their fair share when the business is doing well." She says.

  "Can I come work for you?" I ask her making her laugh.

  "There is no way you can work for me it just wouldn't be ideal. But if you are interested I can drum up some modeling gigs for you. They pay well and its flexible so it would be compatible with your current job and school when you get admitted." She says.

  I laugh inwardly. There are some things that she just won't understand.

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