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  This new deal sure comes with a lot of clauses and conditions. I would have to show up in person to help the characters best interpret their roles well and get in the right spirit if necessary. I would work with the director to navigate some scenes to fit what I had in mind when I wrote them. In a nutshell if everything went well they would start filming in about four months and I would have to be close for them to relate with.

  I've always wanted to see how a film was made but I had other duties that need my attention. I couldn't just abandon everything because of a film. This would be a golden opportunity for me but I asked my lawyers to negotiate a more favourable fit for me considering I had other things to do.

  I must have been extremely tired from last night because I wake up by mid day and find that Prince had left while I was asleep. Since rest is a foreign concept for me I decide to laze around and sleep some more.

  Dating Prince has opened my eyes to a lot of things I was missing. My previous relationship wasn't enjoyable because he was a dictator and liked things to go his way. He wanted me dressed in a certain way and wouldn't be caught dead in a PDA. He never went to the club and he sure didn't attend any parties. He even went as far as telling me who I was to make friends with. He didn't like to go out preferring to stay indoors. He always wanted to know where I was and what I was doing all the time.

  I guess that's what pushed me to dating a guy that is younger. I guess I wanted to feel the thrill of somehow being in control and enjoying all the privileges I couldn't when I dated an older guy.

  I call my mum and check in. One of the projects is causing me a whole lot of stress and headache. Communities claim to be looking for development, you bring the development and they try to take advantage of you. They want to outsmart you. The youths who should be out looking for a reasonable legit jobs are busy extorting you in the name of levies. I was tired of paying levies for everything. For every truck of sand, granite or building material that is delivered they want levies. Well since their leaders obviously can't do anything about them and I can't sell the project I was going to do things my way.

  First off I was going to get force men to accompany any truck delivering materials to the site. Since the youths are most scared of the army officers I was going g to get them also stationed at the site to avoid disruption of the project and stealing of the building materials.

  Previously, i had ordered the boys that where caught disrupting the progress of the project to be reprimanded till they gave useful information on how I could get the stolen materials back and finally there was progress. The materials have been traced to the house of one of the community leaders and he too had been arrested. Now they were pleading to be released and promising not to do it again and to return all they had stolen.

  I decide to let them go and not press for the case to go to court. But first I had them signing undertaking that they would keep to their promise and that if any item should get missing they would be held responsible.

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