The Examination Room

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Dani was scared.

All she knew is that she threw up, her mom placed a hand on her forehead, then rushed her to the hospital.

She was more than scared.

She was terrified.

What was wrong with her?

Was she sick?

Was she going to die?

Positive thoughts, Dani, she told herself, but it only made her hyperventilate more.

"Alrighty, let's begin!" the doctor said, far too entusiastically for Dani's liking.

It was all a blur. The doctor examining random bruises Dani didn't even know she had.

The doctor asked Dani if she had a hard time breathing, and Dani had said no.

He pressed his hand against Dani's neck and frowned, scribbling somthing down on a clipboard.

He weighed Dani, comparing her current weight to her previous one.

He sighed, frowning yet again.

Dani was scared out of her mind. 

What. Is. Going. On?! The twelve year old thought.

The doctor let out one last sigh before bringing in Mr. and Mrs. Cimorelli.


Dani plugged her ears. She didn't want to know.

It would only worsen her anxiousness.

She tried to focus on something other than what was wrong with her.

That Amy was recovering.

That Lauren was happier.

That the older girls are coming to hang out with them more.

That Christina was just as childish as before.

That Katherine's new and perfected chocolate chip cookie recipe was to die for.


Am I going to die?

I'm too young to die!

Please, don't let me die! 

She prayed, bringing her hands away from her ears and closing her eyes, blocking out the surrounding sounds.


I updated. AGAIN!

Thanks for reading!

<3 September :)

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