six (pt. 1)

49 8 4

"It's alright, we've only lost one. We can make five work, right?"

. . .

The raindrops were like little crystals as they fell from the cotton-candy clouds, and she almost felt bad for choosing such a beautiful day.


When she fell, the rain was suddenly even more beautiful, the clouds more elegant, the sky a brighter blue than she had ever seen.

Soon it will be midnight

Then the sky was black, dotted with millions of stars.

Will something be different

The moon was shining brightly in the darkness, but only because the sun reflected upon it.

It won't be something like that

If the sun didn't shine on the moon, would we even acknowledge its existence?

But this day will be over

It holds so much significance to us now, but if it didn't light up the sky at night, would we even care?

When the minute and the second hands overlap

That was her. The moon. 

The world holds its breath for a little while

She didn't have any real importance, she was just lucky.

Zero o'clock

So her eyes closed.

And a smile formed on her face.

As the wind blew around her, nature cushioning her fall.

Her fall into the depths of the world, floating as she joined the stars in a nearby galaxy.

Maybe, as a star, she'd be more useful than she was as a moon.

Maybe, as a star, she'd finally find out who she was meant to be. 

I find peace in the loneliness.

and you're gonna be happy

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