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Amy was clutching the sleeping pills in her hand, pacing her room.

Her thoughts, which were usually all over the place, were all from the same idea.

Go kill yourself.

Just die already.

Go on, commit suicide.

She dumped the whole bottle of pills into her mouth just before Katherine walked in the room.

"Ready for the movie?" Kath asked. Amy just nodded.

Amy lounged on the bed, knowing the pills were about to kick in, and they watched a movie on Katherine's laptop.

"Hey, it's pretty good so far, don't you think?" Kath questioned. But Amy didn't answer. "Amy?" Kath glanced to her side and screamed.

It was a horrid sight. Amy, her eyes glassy, her mouth covered with foam. Kath called her parents and an ambulance, but it was too late. Her sister was gone.

Months following Amy's death, Katherine was a mess. She had changed in a million different ways. 

The day of her first date, as Katherine was putting on the final touches on her outfit, she heard a voice.

"You look amazing, by the way."

Katherine looked everywhere, but couldn't figure out where the voice came from. She looked back in the mirror and saw a faint image of Amy, wearing a white dress, wings, and a halo.

Katherine was shocked. "A...amy?"

"Yep, it's me. I'm so, so sorry Katherine. I shouldn't have done that. I didn't know how else to cure my pain."

"It's okay, Amy. Plus, you look great as an angel!"

"Aw, thanks Kath." Amy smiled. "Well, I better get going. Talk to you some other time!" 

And Amy was gone.

And Kath was still trying to figure out whether or not the angel was a figment of her imagination or it was actually Amy.

But nevertheless, Kath still cherishes her moment with the angel.


So...? What do you think? Thanks for reading!

<3 Septemer

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