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She knew many things.





Yet she had known nothing at all.

She experienced many things.





Yet she had experienced nothing at all.

She visited many places.





Yet she had visited nowhere at all.

She stared at the walls.

The four walls that kept her in the room.

The first covered in tally marks, from when she used to count how many days she had been trapped. She had long stopped recording, however. It was a waste. She knew she would never be coming out.

The second wall with the bookshelves. She had reread each and every book countless times. The characters brought her comfort, they helped her through boredom.

The third wall with the facilities. Her toilet, small sink and shower, all hidden behind a ratty, old grey-colored curtain. She also had a few extra changes of clothes, as whoever confined her in the room had enough heart to give her clothing.

The fourth wall was almost completely bare, except for the small flap in the center, where she was given her food daily. It was barely enough, but it was enough to keep her going.

In the center of the room was her bed, tattered teddy bear named Bruno, and her box of art supplies and paper.

The ceiling of the room contained a skylight. Natural lighting was her only source of light.

She didn't know who put her in the room.

She didn't know the reason of her confinement.

But she did know that when the food stopped coming, she was a goner.

Days passed, and she was emaciated as ever.

But Katniss Everdeen gave her strength to continue, kept her turning the pages of her favorite books. Harry, Ron, and Hermione helped her laugh and make the most of her last days. Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Piper, Frank, Leo, and Hazel comforted her as she became weaker and weaker. And Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Teresa waved goodbye as she closed her eyes for the last time.


It was the worst day in Katherine's life.

The beeping had stopped.

Her heart had stopped working.

Dani was gone.

"She's gone," the doctor confirmed.

Katherine didn't know what to do.

She watched her sisters reactions.

Christina was holding Lauren as she cried.

Lauren had just lost her best friend.

Amy was shocked, staring emotionless at her younger sister's lifeless body.

Lisa was bawling, squeezing Dani's dead hand as if it would bring life back into her.

But of course, it didn't.

Katherine was grief-stricken.

Dani had commited suicide months ago.

Katherine was the one who walked in on the girl and the empty pill bottle.

She was the one who called 911 as her baby sister emitted seisure-like reactions.

Dani was in a coma for months.

For three months, Dani was fighting.

Then all of a sudden, she was gone.

Katherine was also mad at herself.

She was oblivious to her sister's pain.

She was too busy sobbing over the end of a relationship she knew wouldn't last.

For weeks after the incident, Kath's emotional health was terrible.

No one was concerned though.

Grief and sorrow is a normal reaction to losing a loved one.

But no one noticed when the grief and sorrow turned into something else.


So it was shocking when Katherine was found, lying in a pool of liquid spewing from various cuts on her limbs and stomach.

Good-bye, read the note laying on Kath's chest.


Why was it good-bye, might you question?

Because Katherine Cimorelli was gone.

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