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It was an ordinary day. 

Amy and Lisa were walking to the mall, like they usually did, as it was a mere 30 minutes from home.

They bought a million outfits made from weird and somewhat random clothing. 

They sat in the cafe, drinking caffeinated tea and eating chocolate croissants and apple cinnamon muffins.

They browsed expensive purses that they would never be able to afford in their lifetimes.

They sat by the fountain, throwing change into the crystal clear water, hoping that the wishes they wished while tossing their pennies, dimes, and nickles in the water came true. But of course, it was just hypothetical.

They raced up a bajillion staircases, panting heavily and ignoring the strange looks they got from nearby shoppers.

They danced to the elevator music, although it was classical and very quiet.

They sat on benches outside stores and talked about everything under the sun, from boys they liked to why the Earth doesn't rotate clockwise to what they were going to do the next day.

They ran into friends and sat at a table at a resturant with them, eating burgers and french fries, discussing about the different types of cheese, and which one was the best.

They ran around in the parking lot, looking for their car.

They almost called to tell their mom that they had lost the car, until they remembered that they didn't bring one.

They laughed for a good ten minutes before starting the walk back home.

If only they had knew it would have been their last trip to the mall together.

They were minutes away from home, when a car, driving way above the speed limit, came speeding towards them.

Amy pushed Lisa aside, but the car was too fast and Amy didn't have enough time to retreat to the side of the road.

Lisa screamed, but the car had already made contact with Amy's side. 

Poor Amy collapsed, unconcious, onto the road and already, a puddle of crimson liquid was already forming underneath the girl.

Lisa pulled out her phone and tapped furiously, calling 911.

Tears were streaming down Lisa's pink cheeks as she waiting anxiously for the paramedics.

Every few seconds, she checked for a pulse, and every time she found one, until a minute before the ambulance arrived.

The nurses proved what Lisa already knew.

Amy was gone.

The medics were a minute too late.

Lisa shook her head. 

This day was not ordinary.

Rip, it was completely out of the ordinary.


Why are all my one shots so sad? What do you guys think? Thank you so much for reading! Please give me ideas for my book "All Over Again". I am stuck and do not know how to continue it.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

<3 September :)

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