Father's Day

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A/N: AHH! Almost at 100 reads! This is so exciting! Thank you so much! Here is another sad, depressing one shot, in honor of Father's Day.

Christina woke up and sighed. It was Father's Day. She and her sisters would have to visit their father's grave.

That was a task she was sure none of her siblings wanted to partake in.

She remembered the discussion they had the day before:

"So, guys. What type of flowers are we getting?" Katherine had asked, not a drop of sadness visible in her voice.

"I don't care," Lauren mumbled.

"What was that?" Christina questioned.

"Why doesn't it even matter? He's dead. He doesn't know the differences between the types of flowers we put on his grave. We could give him weeds, for all I care." Lauren had been moody every since the passing of their father less than a year ago. The other sisters assumed it was because she took the loss the hardest and didn't want to show it, but it was emotionally straining her to act all "rebellious" or whatever.

"Lauren..." Lisa began.

"Whatever," she said simply, and exited the room.

Christina and Katherine had chosen on buying simple red roses, the main flower to show love and compassion. They also bought their father's favorite candies, to put upon his grave.

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Lauren didn't want to visit her father's grave.

She was there much too often.

She blamed herself for her father's death.

It was a lot harder knowing that her father passed on her 15th birthday, the birthday that she shared with her older sister, Christina.

When Lisa announced they were leaving, Lauren sat in her walk-in closet, hugging her knees to her chest, not even allowing a few silent tears to drip down her cheeks.

"Lauren!" Christina called, and Lauren splashed water onto her face and trudged downstairs.

"Jeez," she said, rolling her eyes.

Her tough girl act was to hide her mental pain she had felt since her father's passing.

She didn't want to seem weak.

When they arrived at the graveyard, all the girls except for Lauren preformed a little speech each. 

But Lauren wasn't paying any attention what so ever. 

She kept her eyes focused on her father's gravestone.

Died: August 12, 2013

That date was the only thought in Lauren's entire head.

She didn't even notice she was tearing up until she saw a single tear fall upon her black shirt.

She quickly wiped off her face with her sleeve and rolled her eyes, in case her siblings were looking.

Suddenly, the day of the accident flashed before Lauren's eyes.

"Dad! I'm 15! I'm old enough to go skateboarding through the neighborhood by myself!" she had shouted.

"Lauren, that's enough," he told her calmly. 

But Lauren didn't want calm. "What the rip?!?!? It's my birthday!"

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