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Lisa was broken.


She didn't know what to do.

She walked into the bathroom and grabbed a brand new razor. 

Maybe she would start today.

But, before she could place the blade on her skin, she heard a knock on the door. 

She barely had enough time to stuff the razor in her hoodie pocket before the door creaked open.

"Lise, you okay?" Christina asks her.

"Mhm, fine."

She raises and eyebrow. "Show me your wrists."

Lisa does as she was told, and her wrists were clean.

But they wouldn't have been if Christina had decided to come a few minutes later.

However, her older sister didn't seem convinced. She slowly exited the bathroom.

Lisa pulled out the razor and smiled. After pulling up her sleeves, she harshly striked at her forearms, finding joy in watching the red liquid pour out of the cuts. 

She quickly cleaned up the evidence and started to walk out of the bathroom, when she ran into Christina.

Christina swiftly pulled up her younger sister's sleeves and saw the brand new cuts. 

"But why, Lisa? You said you were fine-"

"Yes, and I am fine. Fine to deal with my problems myself. So get off my case."

Lisa felt bad for talking to her elder sister that way, but it was what had to be done. Besides, the last thing Lisa wanted to do was have Christina help her through her struggle.

Lisa had to prove to herself that she wasn't weak.

That she'll be fine on her own.

That she was fine, wasn't she?

Months passed and Christina thought that her sister had stopped self harming. Lisa had said it herself, she was fine. So when she walked into the bathroom and saw the sight, she was shocked.

Shocked, sad, and mad. 

Lisa, laying on the ground, surrounded by a large pool of crimson liquid.

She was shocked that Lisa didn't tell Christina about her pain.

She was sad that her sister had turned to self harm.

But most of all, she was mad. At herself. For being blind to Lisa's pain and agony.

She felt for a pulse, but there wasn't one. 

So she sang.

Please forgive me

How was I so blind

Didn't see your agony

I was to shelter you from the rain


Be your strength

And relieve your pain

And though the world still turns

My heart just yearns for you

For you

Two months after the funeral, Christina still couldn't forgive herself for not noticing Lisa's pain before it was too later. 

Every time someone said "Are you okay?" Christina would always say, "fine." and no one caught on.

That is, no one caught on until they found Christina, laying on the bathroom floor, sitting in her own blood.


Are these too depressing? What do you guys think? Also, the song is "Dear Mom" by Ky Baldwin. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

<3 September

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