Help Me (Pt. 6)

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Christina's phone:

C: Guys, meet me in the living room.

A: Okay??

K: What's going on, Chris?

Laur: Um, Christina? Is everything good?

D: Alrighty...

Lisa: Okay, but you're scaring me

Christina's POV:

"I...," I choke. I can't tell them. But I have to. Just spit it out, Christina! "I have cancer."

Katherine immediately brings me into a hug (no way, really? there's like no hugging, ever in this book). I knew I could count on her to stay calm.

"I don't understand," Lisa says. "You told me..."

"I know you do." Lauren tells us coolly. 

We all glance at her. "You do?" I ask.

"Of course I do. You've been showing all the symptoms for leukemia. Plus, I saw you looking up the cost of chemotherapy."

"She reads too many "Nancy Drew" novels," Dani explains, shaking her head.

We all laugh at Dan's comment.

"Okay, back to you, Chris, why didn't you tell us?" Amy questions, looking back at me.

"The same reason all of you didn't want to tell me anything. I didn't want to burden you any more than needed. You all had your own problems. Kath, you were cheated on. Lisa, you had an eating disorder and went to the hospital. Ames, you had your friend issues. Lauren, well you nearly committed suicide. And Dani? You were being severely bullied and abused."

All of my siblings stare in shock at each other. I guess they hadn't talked about their personal issues with anyone other than me. Whoops.

"Lauren, you what? Never mind. But still, Christina. We may be younger than you, but we're here for you, just like you're there for us. You're sick, Christina, and we care," Katherine says, speaking for all of them.

"I'm sorry, guys. We should all promise to tell each other when sometime happens.

"I swear on the River Styx," Dani smiles.

"Me, too!" Lauren explains.

"You what what?" Amy raises an eyebrow.

"Like, come on. Have you never read the Percy Jackson series?" Dani inquires.

"Haters," Lauren shakes her head.

"Oh, I know! I make an Unbreakable Vow," Lisa says, getting excited.

"Glad to hear you read Harry Potter," Dani mutters.

"But you do know that if you break it, you-" Lauren starts.


"Thank you, Dani. Yes, you perish."

"You know that's fake?" Lisa glares at the two youngest.

"DO NOT QUESTION HARRY POTTER!" Dani exclaims, wagging her pointer finger.

"M'kay, whatever," Lisa laughs.

"So, what do y'all think?" I repeat.

"I promise," the others say in unison.

"And I promise, too."


What do y'all think?

Also, I need one shot ideas. My lousy brain only thinks of depressing ones, and I want a change. Please comment or PM me!

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Also, shout out to @seven_star_11 as they made the covers to ALL of my books, including my newest, "Gems and Grit"! Go check them out, if you haven't already!

Thanks again!

<3 September :)

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