Chapter 28

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The baby shower went fine. But something was off Maxine felt that she was being watched.

"Bonnie touch me." Maxine commanded. Bonnie did as she told and had a vision. Maxine stared at her waiting for Bonnie to talk. Everyone was silent focused at Bonnie and Maxine.

"War." Bonnie whispered not believing what she saw.

"What?!" Jeremy asked not believing what he heared.

"Klaus wants Maxine." Elena said smirking leaning against the wall. Katherine sped to her chocking her own doppleganger.

"Thats why its a war because we wont hand you over." Stefan said hugging Maxine and Bonnie.

Damon came down looking confused.

"What happened?" Damon said confused.

"Elena is working with Klaus thats for sure." Maxine growled.

"Yeah she is." Damon said bluntly making everyone shocked.

Something clicked in Maxine's pretty little head of hers. She sniffed the air..

"Damon are you compelled?" Maxine asked looking at him.

"Yes. Yes i am." Damon said truthfully.

Yup. He is definitly is compelled.

"Damon look at me." Maxine commanded. Damon's eyes locked with Maxine's. Elena protesting in the back ground.

"Damon your free from Klaus' compulsion." Maxine said concentrating in her fiancè's eyes.

Sudenly Damon hugged, thanking her, kissing her. But Maxine pulled away.

"Damon do you love Elena?" Maxine compelled Damon.

"No. I love Maxine. I only love you." He replied immediantly.

"Forget that i asked you that and drink vervain." She compelled last time and hugged him. Tight.

"I missed you so much." He whispered to Maxine. He indeed missed her.

Maxine Changed Damon. He changed for Maxine. Maxine is his humanity, his everything.

"How did you know, he was compelled?" Caroline asked confused.

"The way he talks." Maxine shrugs. Sitting on the couch.

"Kathy can you please tie Elena up. Down in the basement. Please." Maxine said licking the icing of a blue cup cake.

"My pleasure." Katherine said smirking and dragging Elena down the basement by her hair.

Why would Elena distroy Maxine? What did Maxine do to her?

"Baby brother come here." Maxine said patting the space next to her. Jeremy hurried next to her.

"Im sorry. Im sorry that you see me hurting Elena." Maxine said hugging him.

"No its not your fault and Elena attacked me once so she deserved it." Jeremy said patting Maxine's back.

"What?! And you never told me?!" Maxine said fuming, pulling away from Jeremy.

"Im sorry. I didn't want you to worry." Jeremy reasoned looking down.

"Damn im so emotional, aren't i? Im not angry at you, baby brother. Im angery at ---- ow." Maxine couldn't finish her sentence. Her back snapped.


I rushed to her side before she could collide with the floor. Her back.just snapped. I was panicking.

"Maxine?" I said waling her but she didn't move.

"OMG! Her water broke." Katherine said rushing next to me. I hate her but i have to push my anger away because my priority is Maxine.

I carried Maxine up to my room. Jenna and the girls pushed us out of the room. I wanted to be there.

I looked at Stefan who looks calm. A pang of jealousy came through me. That he saw my babies.

Jeremy looked scared, i know how he feels. Ric walked up on us and smiled and just walked in to the room.

"OH COME ON! YOU LET RIC IN BUT NOT ME!" I exclaimed. I admit i am freaking out. I began to pace, but i think Stefan had enough and snapped my neck.


"Push! You can do it!" Jenna said looking down at my vagina. Its like it rip open.

I laughed at the sight of Ric. He passed out not a while ago.

"Your laughing but you cant push! Oh come on." Jenna whined. I pushed harder. I cried in agony its like im giving birth to an elephant.

"Uhm guys we have a problem." Caroline said looking out of the window.

"Klaus and his minions are her." Kathy sneered.

"Just hand me over and it will be all over." I said through my gasps. I pushed again.

"No. No can do there. Max. Im going to fight for you and you would do the same." Bonnie said. She began to chant.

Pain shot through my back making me scream in agony.

"Jenna stay here i leave Jeremy and Matt here to guard. I put a spell on the room. Lets kill some hybrids." Bonnie said clapping her hands together.

"Hey." Tyler whine from the outside.

They left. They dragged Damon in the room. They snapped his neck.

Ric is now on his feet and left with the rest of them.

"Come on baby. Push. Almost there." Jenna said. I took a deep breath and pushed. Pushed with everything i had. I heard crying. My baby.

"The Boy is out. He is huge." Jenna said carrying it to me.

I hold my baby. He stopped he looked up at me and smiled. Like he knows im his mother.

"Hey there. You made me push that hard. I think your going to be pain in my ass." I said, i saw him smirk. He frealing smirked. I looked at Jenna who laughed. She took my baby boy and put it in the crib, Jeremy and Bonnie bought me.

Damon began to wake up. He looked at me and his eyes widen.

"Get your ass out there and kill the big bad hybrid. " Jenna commanded. But stopped she looked like she saw a ghost. I heard her gasp.

I gasped too. Ghosts. A man and a woman looking at the my baby smiling. They looked up at me and smiled.

"Honey, she is so beautiful." The woman goshed, they looked like me.

"M-mom?" I asked a tear escaped my eye. She nodded.

"We are her honey. They allowed us to come here to see you giving birth and kill Klaus. " Dad said standing next to the bed.

"But how?" I asked still sweating like crazy.

"Your blood honey. Your a good Demon. That is loved. He has a heart of coal pure evil only the blood of the proncess of darkness that is purely loved and cared can kill him." Mom explained.

"So this is Damon." Dad said standing straighter. Looking at Damon. Damon looked like a dear caught in head lights.

"Your good. I've been watching you. But hurt her. I haunt you and every demon who is dead or alive." Dad said in a dangerous tone. Damon nodded and they disappeared.

I cut my wrist and let my blood drip in the container.

"Make him.drink this and rip out his heart babe. And Damon be careful." I said handing him the container and he flashed away.

Pain came back. Oh come on. Not again. Damn twins.

Minutes that felt like hours of agonizing pain, everything is over. I gave to two beautiful babies, Eros and Majesty.

I was to weak to fight outside, even though i want to, i cant, i cant leave , stupid spell.

And darkness consumed me. I sleeped.

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