Chapter 18

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It was 5 am in the morning when we got home. I saw everyone was gatheed in the living room. Waiting.

"Honey im home!" I exclaimed making their attention snap to me.

"I have an announcement to make. I bumped into some one. No i mean we bumped into someone." I said smiling like an idiot. When Jenna walked in hell broke loose. Some were shocked, some cried of happiness.

I just let them be happy, i was so tired and i sneaked under the covers.

"God im tired" i yawned snuggling in.

A soft knock on my door waked me up. I groaned i was about to sleep.

"Hey." Jenna peaked her head in. I smiled sitting up.

"Come in."  I said. But i didn't notice was everyone else came in to.

They had pillows, blankets, comforters with them. Everyone slept in my room. Well Everyone Except you know who.

Guessed it right Damon and Elena.

Jeremy snuggled into me, Jenna hugging me from behind and next to Jenna is Ric.

It was pretty packed but hey i felt happy. Everyone is happy and that whats matters to me. Right?


I woke up sweaty and panting. What the hell! Not again.

I felt everyone staring. Gosh this is embarassing.

"Ok people. Nothing to see here. Live your lives. Nothing interesting here." I said clapping my hands. Everyone started to continue what they where doing before and i showered.

I dressed into a red knee length sunday dress with some red ballet flats. I braided my hair and put it into a bun. I let some loose strand fall.

I walked down seeing everyone are already gone. Its a school day after all. College.

I went into the study room, seeing Stefan there. I smiled and sat next to.him.

"Whats up St. Stefan?" I asked looking at what his reading.

"Nothing. Awesome." He said not even taking one glance at me.

"Hey. Im awesome." I said pointing at my self. He chuckled.

I stood up. Stefan is being boring again. Uhmf. I grabbed my sketch book and just sketched.

I sketched about a girl on a cliff. At night of the full moon. Once i was done i noticed the girl looks familiar. It was me.

I was shocked why did i sketch myself?

I sat down in the living room, thinking what it would possibly mean. Stefan went out not a while ago.

Stefan and i are not really that close, we talk sometime. But thats it.

My phone beeped indicating that i have a text message.

Shopping? I miss you!!
Im not taking a no for an answer!!
Later!! Xoxo- Care

Ugh. Fine.-Me

I was so bored that i would really scoop my eyes out with a rusty spoon.

I scrolled through my playlist of my iPod and hit play.

Get lucky- Daft Punk

I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and chugged it down. It born theback of my throat but still continue.

I danced arouned having fun on my own. I ignored the calls Care giving me.


I got a call from Stefan that there's something up with Max. She wasn't acting herself anymore. I know she has a short temper but it come shorter and shorter by every second.

I opened the door of the boarding house seeing everything trashed. Bottles of Alcohol cluttered everywhere.

This doesn't feel good. I sped to the living room seeing Max seating on the carpet her back facing me. Relief flashed through me.

I walked up to her but stopped in my tracks when i saw Max eating a bear, tearing its flesh. I never saw her doing this.

"Max?" I asked unsure. Maybe she is possessed or something. She looked up her beautiful crystal blue eyed were replaced with Demonic slits. She smiled recognizing me, showing of her razor sharp teeth covered with blood.

"Damon?" She asked tilting her little head to the side, her eyes changing back into her crystal blue eyes but something in her eyes was off.

They didn't sparkle like before, it was filled with anger, hatred, pain, sadness, betrayal and horror.

"Oh my God." She said looking around her face terrified.

"Did i do this?" She asked with watery eyes. I just nodded afraid to make it worse.

She broke down sobbing, she was shaking. I rushed up to her hugging her, i didn't care if she was covered with blood. I sat down on the couch setting her on my lap.

"What happened?" I whispered. Brushing her hair away from her face.

"I was bored. No one was here. Stefan left minutes ago. I felt alone so i started sketching but then i started drinking and i dont remember." She whispered holding on to me. I missed being close to her. I missed every inchof her.

"Im sorry i should have been here." I said anger at myself. She is my mate! Why would i leave her?!

She chuckled bitterly.

"Dont be angery at yourself. You chose her. I have nothing to do with it. Just accept it and Bonnie already found a way to break the bond." She said standing up. Avoiding my gaze.

"I dont want to break the bond, your mine and mine only. No one else." I yelled. Why is she doing this to me.

"You dont want to break the bond?! So what! I want to break it! Your not the one hurting! Every kiss you give Elena, Every touch! I can feel it! Everything! It hurts! Its killing me! So you want me to suffer fine! Its all on you when i kill some one sooner or later!" She yelled her eyes back to slits. She was fuming. What have i done.

I took a step forward but stopped when my head began to hurt. BONNIE

"Stay away from her. Look what you've done. She flipped the switch. She cant handle everything at a time. Her switch flips automatically." She yelled. I looked up Max is gone. What have i done?

"If you love her. You should have just let her go. Its killing her. You cant love her and Elena at the same time. Its wether her or Elena." Bonnie said calmly and walk away.

"Where are you going?" I asked. Gain my composture.

"Max. Haven't you notice anything about her at all?" She asked in disbelieve. I didn't reply.

"I love Elena alright. She is my bestfriend but i love Max more she is like a sister to me. Im going to save her before evil will consume her. Im gonna risk my life for her." Bonnie said walking away.

Evil? I kneeled tears streaming. It hurts. I love Max more than anything but why did i do this to her?

Damon gone soft!!!!
Almost done!!

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