Chapter 3

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Damon's P.O.V

I woke up actually happy which not happens everyday. Memories flash back from yesterday...


Max is a beautiful girl i met yesterday at the grill. She has the most beautifullest blue eyes i've ever seen. She has long light brown almost golden curly hair. But what interests me the most is how she displays her scar around she accepted it as is a part of her. She has a beautiful laugh. Nice smile.

At the thought of her makes me smile.

I sat up, yawning abit. Just as i remembered i brought her here last night. I looked beside me but she wasn't there. Which maked me frown.

Why did she left?

But then i heared a angelic laughter coming from down stairs. So i sped down stairs to see her talking to...

St. Stefan. Ugh

"I never thought Ms. Jenkins is still the school secretary and nurse. She always hated me." She laughed. Stefan looked at her confused. I leaned against the doorway of the kitchen.

"Good Morning Damon. Come sit." She said. Patting the spot next to her.

Hold on! How did she sense me and Stefan didn't? Coincidence maybe. Just maybe.

Stefan looked at her surprised and she just smiled widely and pinched his cheek like a kid. He swatted her hand away and she scowlded him.

"Back to the story. Mrs. Jenkins always hated me because i pranked her. You see she always has extra cloths in some drowers so i took out her bra, gosh those were huge, i put on some slimish stuff on it that i made in chemistry. I grabbed her large granny panties and smired on some peanut butter on it and i changed her perfume to some sweaty odor i got from some gym dudes." She explained sipping her coffee. Stefan chuckled and i smirked she sure is something.

"Uhm Max can i asked you something?" Stefan asked i glared at him. If he is going to ask Max out he is so dead.

Woah! Woah! Where did that come from. Definitly not from me. Nope not me. Uhu.

"Shoot" she said smirking. Looking at him in the eyes. He avoided her gaze and looked at anywhere but her. Stefan was about to talk when Max cut him off.

"Your gonna ask about the scar. Aren't you?" She asked narrowing her eyes at him. He gulped and nodded.

"Very well then. Children story time." She exclaimed clapping her hands together.

"But before story time. More coffee please." She asked handing the cup to Stefan. He groaned but took it.

"Good Morning,Damon. How did you sleep?" She asked arching a perfect brow at me.

"Perfect, just perfect. But it would be nice to wake up and you would be beside me." I said smirking getting lost instantly in her eyes. They are like hipnotizing.

"Nah. That would be no fun." She said smirking.

She really is something.

Yeah i know i told you that many times. But who cares.

Stefan came back and gave Max her mug.

She told us about the accident. After that she dissappeared for three years because she was afraid that Jeremy would hate and blame her for their parents death.

She said that she and Elena got in a fight before the accident. Her grandmother gave Max a porcelain doll that she always wanted even though she was to old for that and Elena got a new make up kit even though she was 13 years old and that Elena got jealous and broke the doll.

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