Chapter 25

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It's early, but I feel like I need to see Levi. I want to tell him that I was with Ethan last night. Mom didn't seem to care when she woke up and found him snoring on one end of the couch and me on the other. The only body parts that were touching were our feet. For some reason I think it's the right thing to do to tell him, even though nothing actually happened. I also have a gift for him for homecoming. It's silly, but I saw it in one of the small shops we were in after dress shopping. It's a small key-chain to add to his collection; a football with his number on it. Cheesy, but thoughtful.

Levi's mom answers the door. She is all dressed ready for her shift at the hospital and doesn't say much as she lets me in and leaves. I head upstairs to find him. My hands are starting to sweat and my heart pounds hard in my chest, like something feels off about me being here. Maybe I should turn around and go home.

I reach his door and it's partially open. I don't hear anything so I give a soft knock. I wonder if he's still sleeping. After I knock again and there's no answer I start to open the door. I smile when I see his shadow behind the curtains. He's on the roof, but I find it odd that he's got the window almost closed all the way.

I take a few steps closer and that's when I see another shadowy figure.

"I can't do this."

Levi's voice is stern, but whoever is with him doesn't seem to care. They wrap their arms around his neck, my boyfriend's neck and lift themselves up. Whoever it is, they are getting awfully close to his lips and I don't like it. I'm about to pull open the curtain when I hear that nail on a chalkboard voice that I hate so much.

"Oh Levi, you're so easy," she says.

The two meet in the middle and I know their lips are on each other's. I could go out there and push that girl off the roof - okay maybe that's a bit too drastic - but I could go out there and yell at her to get off my boyfriend, only I don't. Before I even know what's happening I'm watching Angela remove Levi's shirt and him removing hers. With one hand he reaches out to open the window and I scramble out of the room. I don't close the door, but I make it far enough down the hallway where they can't see me. Her giggle and his moans are what make me run.

I try to be as quiet as possible as I rush out of the house. I don't slam the front door in fear that they will both hear. I can't ruin today's game for Levi and even though I should I'm not that kind of person. I hold back all of my emotions, I will not cry, I tell myself. The weird part is I don't. Not when I get home and mom asks how Levi is and not when I'm sitting on the track near the field stretching before the game as Levi jogs past with a smile and waves.

Shae leans over, "so, tonight Levi is throwing an after homecoming party, are you two gonna you know?" she asks, wiggling her brows.

Jackie smacks her playfully in the shoulder, and the girls laugh. I try to smile and apparently whatever I can get out is good enough for neither of them to notice that I'm hurt over Levi's betrayal.

"We're taking it slow." I try and make my voice sound as normal as possible, but it shakes a little.

"That's what they all say."

Jackie chuckles and bounces her shoulder into Shae and the two share a short intimate kiss. Some more of the football players are arriving on the field and I make the mistake of looking up and making eye contact with Ethan. It's like the guy knows me better than I know myself. You okay? He mouths, no words actually being spoken.

I suck in a deep breath and my shoulders rise, and then fall when I release. I shake my head in a jerky movement. He's about to make his way over when Levi pops out of nowhere. Ethan's eyes are still on mine, even as Levi is chatting. He notices and looks over his shoulder. Levi's face lights up when he sees me - like he didn't just cheat on me with the one person in this place I can't stand.

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