Chapter 8

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Ethan and I made it to school with plenty of time to spare, and we even stopped at Starbucks for some early morning iced coffees on the way. Mornings, although cooler than usual are still quite warm for this time of year and we both agreed an iced coffee would be the perfect way to start a Monday.

When we get to the senior hallway everyone is already there. Angela is the first to turn around and I cringe. Ethan has no clue what happened on Friday after tryouts with her and I'd like to keep it that way. The closer we get the harder I chew down on the green straw in my mouth. Levi's head turns, his arm against my locker while Angela stands nearly inside the crook of his arm.

Shae is all smiles as she pushes past Angela's sour face and wraps her arms around me. I glance over her shoulder at Angela, she and Tori and both are glaring at me like I'm the enemy. Shae pulls away and reaches over to give Ethan a hug too.

"So you ready to draw me after school?"

Levi takes his arm off the locker and starts towards me. I watch as Angela crosses her arms at her chest. I've got Ethan on my left and now Levi headed straight for me. Her face says it all, mouth wide open and a glare that could kill.

"As long as you keep your clothes on she will," Shae says, with a devilish smile.

"I can't promise anything," Levi says, wiggling his brows - just as the warning bell rings.

"Saved by the bell," I say.

Ethan laughs, then gently takes my arm to guide me in his direction, "Hey, so I'll see you in English?"

"Mmhmm," I say, nibbling on my bottom lip.

Everyone goes their separate ways. I make a quick stop at my locker to grab my things before heading to homeroom. I wish it were longer than fifteen minutes, or that I didn't have art today, because then I would only have to deal with the weirdness between Levi and I once. The minute I get into the art room he's sitting there with a smug look on his face. I sit down next to him and I'm beyond thankful when Ms. Ryan starts the class without letting any of us get a word in.

I'm thankful for an uneventful day and not much interaction with Levi. After the last bell I head for the locker room for my first day of practice.My heart is beating wildly in my chest. I'm just as nervous as I was on Friday when I tried out. I hate feeling like this, like Angela has some sort of effect on me. I shouldn't care about it, but I can't help thinking something is going to go wrong and everything is going to go down like it did in Tulsa and we will be forced to move. I know mom would be ready to go in a heartbeat if that did happen.

We file out of the locker rooms where I managed to stay under her radar for now, and head out onto the field. Shae is standing next to me talking about her birthday at the lake. Levi throws her a big bash with all of her friends every year and this year she's decided that the theme will be Hawaii. She's chatting about pina coladas and grass skirts, and I'm trying to listen. I really am - but something feels off today and I can't quite figure out what it is.

"Welcome to your first day of practice, find a partner, do some stretching then we will work on some of our cheers for the game in two weeks. Get stretching girls," coach Hayes says.

As I'm stretching Shae comes over and sits down with me. She grunts like she's in pain and looks absolutely exhausted.

"You look zonked."

"I didn't sleep a wink last night," she says, spreading her legs and leaning to her right to touch her toes.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

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