Chapter 20

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I slide into Ethan's car, he's waiting for me in the parking lot. I needed a few minutes to somehow compose myself. I never fell back asleep after Levi left, so I'm running on maybe an hour of sleep. Then, just before I got into the car a familiar phone number popped up in my missed call log. I had been in the shower and there wasn't a voicemail, but I'd memorized that number like my life depended on it. It was Lawrence's, and just seeing it there threw me for a loop.

"Hey," Ethan says, his voice is soft and for some reason my emotions react to it.

He glances over at me, the car is running but he hasn't put it in drive yet.

"Hey," I croak.

"Ready for this?"

I shrug, "Honestly, I'd rather not go."

Now I've got his full attention. I'm not trying to be whiny and needy, but with the lack of sleep, Mr. Holmes and his unwelcome visit, the missed call, and Levi's appearance this morning; I'm emotionally drained.

"Everything okay?"

In the corner of my eye I see him reach over, but pull back. I don't know why it bothers me, but it does.

"Not really, but I'll deal."

Ethan pulls his phone from a small compartment under where his radio is and turns it in for a brief second.

"We have time."

I don't bother to ask what he means by that. He finally puts the car into reverse and backs out of his spot. I don't say anything as he makes a left at the first stop sign instead of a right.

I keep my eyes on the window and watch the scenery pass. It's still so green here, the trees have yet to change. I've been told this area is amazing in the fall and it was one of the only things that made me excited about moving.

It feels like we have been driving for a while, but in reality it's only been ten minutes, but it's so out of the way from the school.

I can't stop thinking about everything and about the call. I keep my phone tight in my hand and can feel it warming up from my touch. I don't know why I'm waiting for the number to pop up again, maybe I just want to hear what he has to say. I need to prepare myself in case he decides to randomly show up like his father.

The car climbs a huge hill almost as tall as a mountain, and my ears pop a little as he makes a right at the top and we end up down some tree covered road. It's a bit dark, and the sun flickers in and out from behind the trees. At the end of the road is a parking lot that overlooks a valley of trees and more hills. To our right is a picnic area and to the left is a playground. There are a decent amount of people around.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"C'mon I'll show you."

He pauses for a second to make sure that I'm going to get out of the car. I'm intrigued by the view and want to see more. I step out of the car and as I do he meets me halfway. I follow a few steps behind as we walk through the pine needles that are littered all over the ground. We head in the direction of the playground.

Two enormous rocks sit at the edge of the cliff Ethan starts to climb up on one and holds his hand out for me. I don't have the best shoes on for this kind of activity, my sandals were chosen for the car wash because I didn't mind getting them wet. With his help I'm able to get up and sit down next to him. There's barely enough space for the two of us on top and as much as I shouldn't feel this way, I don't mind the closeness.

He's quiet as we stare out at the scenery before us. I'm in awe by how high up we are. There's nothing like this in Oklahoma. I love how you can see for miles - like we are on the top of the earth looking down at everything. Below between all of the trees is a small town.

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