Chapter 11

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The entire party sings to Shae, and I'm sure you could hear our voices for miles. She's loved by everyone at this party. At first I expected it to be just random people from school who don't really care and just want to get drunk, but that's not the case. Jackie stands on her right, and she pulls me over to her left. She's got both of our arms entwined with hers.

Levi stands in front of us holding a huge three tier cake steady in his hands. Ethan watches from his spot on the deck with the guys he was talking to earlier. He saw me coming out of the house looking all disheveled, but didn't say a word.

Shae leans forward and blows the candles out, as the roar of applause rages through the yard. A few people whistle, and some yell out; we love you Shae. Someone hands her a knife and she slices through the first layer. Jackie helps her lift the piece and smashes a tiny bit of it in her face. She let's go off my arm, giggling and licking the cake off her face. I glance over to watch in amusement and when I do Jackie reaches out taking a lick of frosting with her finger tip while smiling up at Shae. The moment is private so I start to walk away, only to run into Ethan.

"Hey, you've been MIA," he says.

"I fell asleep," I say, biting hard on my lip, "and if Angela says I did anything different..."

I don't understand my emotions right now, my nose becomes itchy causing my eyes to water.


Ethan places both of his warm hands against my cool skin. I shiver, hoping he doesn't notice.

"Are you ready to get out of here?" he asks.

"Yeah, I just have to get my bag from Shae's car."

Ethan, Shae, and I stand outside of Shae's car talking about what an incredible night it was for her birthday. I unzip my bag and hand her the present I made. The paper crinkles as she tosses it aside to find the frame I made her. She lifts her chin, her eyes finding mine and there are tears in them.

"This is amazing," she says, wrapping her arms around me, the frame pressed against my back. "This quote is just so perfect," she says.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I'm glad you moved here," she says, looking down at the ground. "Thank you for helping me with Jackie," she says.

"Of course. Enjoy your birthday."

She wraps her long arms around me one last time before saying goodbye.

Ethan didn't bring his car since he knew he was having a few beers, so we walked quietly together in the dark. Every few seconds his hand brushes mine. I hate that every time he does it my heart does these weird flips. Why do both of these boys I barely know having such an impact on my feelings? Maybe, it's because I've been craving friendship for so long any kind of attention makes up for all that time when I was ignored.

"Your quiet tonight," he says.

Up ahead the apartment complex comes into view. I avert my eyes down to our feet walking insync with each other.

"Is it about what happened this morning?" he asks.

"It's that, and some other things..."

"I may be slightly buzzed, but my ears are open if you need someone to talk to," he tells me.

I crane my neck to give him a friendly smile and his eyes were already trained on me, waiting for a response.

"I'm not stringing you along?" I ask, then immediately cover my mouth with my hands. The sound echoes through the quiet streets.

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