Chapter 27

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It's just after eleven and the party is in full swing. I stare up at the deck where Levi, Ethan, and some of the team are hanging out. I needed a bit of a break from the crowd to think. I'm tired and honestly ready to go home, but there's one thing I need to do before that and I need to work up the courage to do it. Most people would have stopped them right there, but I've been hurt by so many people recently I think I just took the blow because I'm used to it.

I stand beside the lake taking in my surroundings. Night has fallen, but Levi's house is lit up like it's Christmas. The lake is now way too cold to swim in, especially at night so mostly everyone is on the deck or in Levi's house. I'm glad I packed extra clothes, my sweater and long leggings are helping keep me warm from the cool fall breeze that is making a crisp sixty-five degrees feel like it's in the fifties.

As my eyes come back around to Levi the scene in front of me makes my blood boil. Angela is at it again and Levi is trying to stand strong. His hands are moving around like he's yelling, but over the music and the crowd I can't hear anything he's saying. Her grimy little fingers trace down his arm. His fists are clenched at his side, like he's trying so hard not to strike. He shakes his head at her as she tilts hers and pouts her lip like a child attempting to get their way. I'm ready to attack when the two of them start walking away. I want to scream out and tell him not to go, but nothing comes out of my mouth - not a single damn word.

I stalk for the house like I'm on a mission. I weave in and out of the crowded deck. Everyone keeps getting in my way, keeping me from doing the one thing that I should have done this morning. My vision tunnels and the only thing I'm focused on is getting to Levi. Somehow they've already gone upstairs, there is no trace of them on the main floor of the house.

I stalk up the stairs ready to have another fight with Angela. My hands are at my side, my hands clenched into fists so tight that my fingernails are starting to dig into the palm of my hand. By the time I get upstairs all I hear inside of Levi's room are things crashing and Levi growling like some kind of crazy beast.

I take one deep breath then open the door without knocking. Levi freezes in place and his room looks like a tornado blew threw. His artwork is torn from the wall littered everywhere, the one hole in the wall has become two, and there are books and knick knacks strewn all over the floor.


The brim of his eyes are red and there are tears staining his cheeks. His shoulders lift up and down in large movements as he tries to take in breaths. I wasn't supposed to see him like this. There's a huge part of me that just wants to rush over to him and wrap him in my arms to calm him, just like he'd done for me - only I know I can't. I can't care that in the next few minutes he'll have one more reason to destroy his room.

"What are you doing up here?"

He's out of breath and there's an edge to his voice I haven't heard yet.

"I saw you come up here with Angela. Where is she Levi? You didn't hurt her, did you?"

His eyes widen, like he can't believe I just accused him of hurting her.

"I didn't mean like that." I try to fix my wording, but it's too late. He takes three giant steps towards me.

"How dare you!" He screams, when he's only a few inches away from me. "Out of anyone I thought you'd be the one to not see me as a monster..."

"I don't know what to think anymore Levi."

"What's that supposed to mean."

He towers over me his anger making me feel small and scared.

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