Chapter 2

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As we come out of the tree line the house comes into view. It reminds me of one of those mansions on the lake in a spy movie. It's a huge updated three story house with white siding along the entire exterior. The backyard is on a perfectly manicured hill that curves down towards the lake. Is the grass even real?

Above the grassy area is a huge slab of concrete that runs the entire length of the house. It's lit with twinkling lights and where a lot of the guests are mingling. On the far end of it sits a huge gazebo-like structure with tables being used for beer pong.

The next level up requires a lot of stair climbing. A large open space deck sits at the top of the stairs overlooking the entire yard. There aren't many party-goers up there, only a group hanging out near the grill and a couple on the far end making out.

"You're not in Kansas anymore, are you Dortothy?" he asks, noticing how I"ve completely stopped moving to take it all in.

"No toto, we sure aren't."

"Come on, let's go find Levi."


"My best friend, partner in crime, and the one throwing the party."

I stop for a moment and stare at him in awe.

"You actually know the person who lives here?"

He chuckles, "Why does that come as a surprise? Is it because I live in a tiny ass apartment and according to fictional stories I'm from the wrong side of the metaphorical tracks?"

My cheeks burn, and I immediately regret saying it.

"Something like that," I say, still staring at the scene before me.

"Come on."

He reaches his hand out for me, and I stare down at it remembering the zap of electricity that ran through mine when I last touched him. It takes me a second before I accept his hand. I wait for the zap, only this time it's not there. His eyes meet mine and I'm frozen for a few seconds.

"Yo Ethan get up here!"

The moment passes as quickly as it started, and before I can even think he's tugging me towards the steps.

We weave in and out of people quickly. Ethan says hello to just about everyone we pass, but the minute they spot me it's like the words get stuck on their tongue, like they've never seen a new girl before. I'm starting to feel self conscious and wonder if maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

I crash into him as we come to a halt and he jolts forward, then turns back.

"I'm sorry," he says, sincerely.

"It's okay."

I swallow hard and when I lift my head there are several eyes staring in my direction, a few notice my hand entwined with his, so I pull away and wipe off the sweat that was beginning to form on mine.

"Guys this is Morgan Adam's, she moved in a few doors down from me."

They all stare at me like I'm some kind of space alien.

"Morgan, this is Levi," he says, pointing me in the direction of the incredibly good looking guy flipping burgers.

His sandy blonde hair flops all over, and there's a twinkle in his soft hazel eyes as he lifts his head to greet me.


I kind of like the way my name sounds on his lips. His deep voice causes my pulse to throb. He's definitely way out of my league though, all of these people are; including Ethan.

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