Chapter 19

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The week passes by without any incidents, but I've distanced myself a bit from everyone. I'm still being my usual friendly self since I moved here, but I'm not hanging out with anyone after practice and the only person I've really spent any time with has been Ethan on our rides to school. Those aren't more than just talking about the upcoming school events or chatting about our favorite shows on Netflix. I've even managed to keep a small distance between Levi and I too.

It's the night before the car wash fundraiser and it's supposed to be gorgeous tomorrow. It may be the end of September, but the temperatures have been a steady eighty degrees, hot enough that Levi has invited some of us over after the fundraiser to swim in the lake. I told him I'd think about it.

I find myself finally drifting off and it's only eight o'clock, but I haven't been sleeping well with the nightmares that have plagued me this week. Tonight the sound of mom's voice on the phone with clients is comforting and helps me to fall asleep, as if she were reading me a story. I allow the heaviness of sleep to take over.

I gasp like I'm out of air. Something is tapping against my window and on top of the awful nightmare I had, knowing someone is just outside the window making that noise makes it even worse. I think about calling mom in here, but decide against it as the rest of the apartment is quiet and from under my door there's nothing but darkness, so I assume she's asleep.

I find that it's just past two in the morning and so I have no doubts she's out. The tapping only stops for a quick moment, but then picks up again. I throw the covers off of my sweaty body and walk close to the window. I try to think of a way to look outside without the person out there seeing me. I'll feel really dumb if it's just some kind of animal though.

I carefully pull one side of the curtains trying not to show too much movement. There's one more tap at the window and then it stops again. I squint hard to see out into the darkness. The only thing lighting up the outside a little are the lamps that hang over the parking lot. A familiar body shape appears in my window, but they aren't looking at me. Their hand lifts and they run it through their unruly hair - that is also familiar.

"Levi?" I ask myself, out loud.

Even though my heart is pounding hard in my chest and I can hardly breathe I tap on the window. I know it's not the smartest move after everything, but I have to know if it's him, or maybe I'm still in the dream. His head turns and I catch sight of Levi's eyes. Holding up my pointer to let him know I need a minute, I let the curtains drop and grab a gray hoodie so that I can go outside.

The apartment is dark, mom is definitely asleep. As quiet as I can I open the door to the apartment. Levi is sitting on the cold hard cement with his head in his hands. He doesn't look up when the door opens. He keeps his head buried in his hands and it brings me back to the time I came to his house. Something must have happened with his parents.

I join Levi on the ground and sit close enough to feel the warmth of his body heat, it doesn't bother him that I'm that close or if it does he doesn't react.

"Mom smacked me," he says.

I open my mouth to say something, but he continues before I have the chance.

"It was my fault, I was mouthing off to my dad again," he says. "I never repaired the hole in the wall and mom was pissed. Dad came over to drop my sister off and it all went downhill from there," he says.

"And you thought about coming here?" I ask.

He nods, "you were the only person I could stand being around," he says. "It's like when I'm with you - you take away the pain."

I don't say anything when he adds, "I'm sorry I woke you.' For a brief moment he lifts his head, "you look like crap by the way. You okay?"

I shake my head, "No, but that's not important right now."

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