Super's day!

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It's been two week since Lena and Kara's honeymoon, plus their family vacation with the triplets and pets. After coming back in National City, the Superfamily were swarmed with reporters and paparazzi...Which made the triplets uncomfortable and all three super sped out of the people. Anyway, work was crazy for them. Supergirl was more needed, CatCo busy with magazines, L-Corp opening new buildings and the DEO hectic as ever.

But even though Kara and Lena's schedules were hectic, they always made time for their kids. They would go eat dinner together, take a walk to the park, have movie nights, Kara giving flight lessons and many more.

At National City

Lena just got into her office after a tiring meeting with the board. After looking up from her tablet, she couldn't hide a smile. There stood her wife, kids and pets with their supersuits on. "And? What do you think mommy?" Kian asked and Lena ran to her family giving them a big hug. "You guys look adorable!" Lena said and the triplets hugged her legs tight. "Today, Kal and me are bringing the twins, the pets and them to the fortress." Kara said and gave her wife a soft kiss on the lips. Lena smiled and nodded. "Okay, but please be careful." Lena pleaded and Kara gave her a reassuring kiss. "Don't worry, babe. Nothing bad is going to happen." Kara said, with a sweet smile. Lena hesitated a bit, but trusted her wife. "Okay, have fun." Lena said and soon she saw how her whole family flew towards north.

During their flight Superman and the twins followed up. "Aunty Kara!" Jonathan squealed and started to twirl around. "Hey there little goobers!" Kara greeted and made them smile. "Hey there big cousin!" Clark greeted and Kara was surprised that he was wearing his supersuit. "Hey Kal, you're wearing your suit." Kara said out of surprise. It's been almost year since Clark retired as Superman and since that day, he never wore his suit again. Clark chuckled. "Yeah, I may be retired butI want to make sure that Metropolis knows, that Superman is still around." Clark said and Kara just shook her head. "Ieiu? Uncle Clark? Where are we going?" Kyra asked and both older Super's looked at the kids and pets. "We are going to a place, called Krypton on earth." Kara replied and seemed to satisfy the kids. Kara and Clark couldn't fly in full speed, since the kids still don't have the stamina, yet.

At the fortress

After a twenty minute flight, the Super's landed in front of an ice wall. "Dada! This is just a wall of ice!" Connor complained and the other's agreed. "Why are we here?" Kyril asked very impatiently and made the 'Luthor death glare'. "Just wait." Kara said calmly and shuffled around the snow, till she finally found the key. Pushing it into the ice wall, a cave slid open and the kids stood there moth agape. "This is so cool!" Jonathan and Kyra said in unison. The pest directly sped in and made the older Super's chuckle. "Welcome to the fortress of solitude." Clark said and the group of kids started to speed around the fortress. A second later, they were back in the same place. They looked attentively at the ice sculptures, that seems to them very familiar. "Ieiu? Who are these people?" Kian asked and Kara ducked down to their level. "The sculptures are our ancestors from Krypton." Kara answered softly and saw how the truest started to get adorable crinkles, while studying the sculptures carefully.

Kara started to tell all about their family history , because she was the only one who really knew them. The kids and pets payed lotion attention, especially Clark since he himself didn't know the half of his ancestors. After Kara finished introducing the House of El members, another Kelex told the kids Kryptonian stories and legends. "When can we go to Argo?" Kyril asked and all the other kids shot their heads. Clark and Kara had to hide their laughs. "Soon little superheroes." Kara answered and made the triplets pout. "Rao, now I know how it feels." Kara joked and the kids started to laugh.

Then the pets showed the kids different cultural Kryptonian games...They were there for hours. After playing games, Clark showed them the age to the Sun-Eater and warned them to never open it. Kara then, taught the kids native Kryptonian clothes...Of course she sent a few pics to he wife and Clark did the same. After the modeling show, Kara was really excited to show her kids inventions from her father. "This is so cool!" Connor and Kian said and held a Kryptonian cannon. "Oh Rao. Carful!" Clark said and the kids dropped the dangerous weapons. The triplets seemed really fascinated and Kara made a mental note to bring them to Lena's lab. When the kids were finished watching Zor-El's inventions, Kara brought hem into a training room. "Aunt Kara, what are we doing?" Jonathan asked and looked at his father, searching for an answer. "Aunt Astra was a military genera on Krypton and she taught me Kryptonian martial arts...That's why I want to teach you." Kara answered and saw how the kids faces lit up.

First she went with the basics, like stands, movements and other stuff. The kids learnt it so quick, that she was able to teach them more difficult skills. They had some difficulties here and there, but Clark was astonished how good they were....It took him two years to master it. They went from difficult to challenging skills and the kids really had fun. After sparring on some huge blocks of ice, the triplets and twins were tired...Meaning it was time to go home.

Thank Rao Kara saw it coming and installed a ship in the fortress. The older Super's carried the kids into the ship, with the pets following behind them and flew towards south. First stop was Smallville and dropped Kal and the twins off. Then it was for the Luthor-Danvers Household. When Kara finally landed the ship, the triplets sprung out of the ship and super sped to Lena...The pets did the same. "Hi mommy!" Kyra greeted with tired eyes. "Oh hey my loves. Rao, you guys look tired." Lena said and the triplets hopped next to her onto the couch. Just then, Kara came in and greeted her wife with a soft kiss. "Hey Zhao." Kara said and sat next to era wife. "Hey love. I missed all of you so much." Lena said and snuggled closer to Kara. "We missed you too." Kyril answered and yawned, making his mother's chuckle. When Lena wanted to say something, she heard seven soft snores. It ad her smile and quickly she got blanket and covered them up. "It was totally a Super's day." Lena whispered to herself and made herself comfortable between the triplets, pets and her wife.

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