The Dinner

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At Noonans

Not everybody was there yet, but Lena, Sam, Ruby, James, J'onn, Brainy and Nia were already there. Only the famous Danvers sister's were missing and the family would be complete.

Lena kept on looking every five seconds to the entrance hoping to see her favorite person enter. When she saw a certain red head enter, she waited for a bit till a bubbly blonde would follow, but frowned when she noticed she wouldn't be coming. "Hey guys. Sorry that I'm late, had some traffic on the way." Alex said as she gave everyone a hug and high fived Ruby. "Hey Alex. It's so nice to see you again. Umm where's Kara?" Lena asked nicely, but was a bit hesitant. Everybody on the table gave worried and sad looks to each other. "It's nice to see you too Lena, but Kara can't make it tonight. She got caught up into work." Alex replied and tried to make her lie convincing as possible.

"Oh, okay." The Luthor replied, disappointment was a little clear in her voice. "So you guys wanna order?" James interrupted the silence, since the tension kept on growing every second. Everyone nodded, but they all felt incomplete without Kara. She was basically the one who made everything fun and exciting. As they all finished their orders, they got into some talking. "So um Lena, where have you been for the last two years?" Alex asked, everyone looked at the Luthor curiosity clearly in their eyes. Lena gulped and replied: "Well I needed space, so I went to Ireland and have built another L-Corp there. I also wanted to know more about my mother, so I stayed there for some investigation too." Everyone were totally interested and were amazed on what she did there, how she built L-Corp there and other stuff.

Finally the food has arrived and all of them were really happy. While eating Alex ordered a take away pack for four boxes of Potstickers. "So umm Alex, how's Kara doing?" Lena asked. They all gave looks to each other again, knowing she isn't good right now. "Uh, Kara has been doing great. But you should better ask her that personally." Alex suggested, since she didn't want to make Lena feel bad, even though she is boiling on the inside, but was still happy to have Lena back. Lena gave her a worried look on her face, and she then looked to the other's who were busy eating. "Okay. I will ask her the next time I see her again." Replied the Luthor softly and Alex just nodded.

They all continued to talk about what's been going on in their lives. They kept on laughing at Ruby's funny stories about soccer. But they all felt empty without having a certain Kryptonian with them, who would definitely bring the fun and light into the room.

At Kara's apartment

Kara was sitting on her couch, eating two Pizza boxe's empty and was watching a few musicals. She really wanted to go to that dinner to see Lena again, but a part from her didn't want to. Suddenly she saw the picture with Lena and her together. Again soft tears started to roll down her cheeks. "You have no idea how I missed you Lena..." She whispered softly, while looking at the picture. The Super gazed at the photo for about five minutes, till she picked herself back up. She needed to do something, like punch something. So she changed into her suit and super sped to her training room. Kara stacked a few cement blocks and punched them, till only dust was left.

"Kelex! Can you please help me clean up?" She asked sweetly, while the robot came into sight. "Well of course Miss Zor-El." The robot answered in his robotic voice. Both cleaned up and chamed a little music, to make it more fun. After cleaning they both headed to the hidden room. Kara checked her monitor and there wasn't any trouble in the city. "Kelex, can you call Kal-El?" She asked, as Kelex prepared a hologram. "Hey Kara!" Clarks said happily. The blonde gave him a big smile. "Hey Kal, how's it Argo? Is Lois and mom okay?" She asked worriedly. The older Super gave her a warm smile. "Everything is doing well Kar. All of us are healthy and okay. How about you? How's earth and everybody doing? Looks like Superman won't be needed anymore." Clark said that with truth in his voice. It's true Kara is much stronger than him and he wouldn't be needed, since she has everything under control. Before Kara became even Supergirl, his superheroing was a total chaos.

Kara chuckled at his response. "Yeah everything is good, earth is doing much better since Lex and Lillian are gone. Everyone is doing great. And it's good to hear that you guys are safe and doing well. Oh I can't wait till I meat my nephew!" Kara said excitedly. Her cousin was laughing at her. "I also can't wait to meat him and I already know he will have a great aunt. It's really good to hear that everything is good down there. But how are you doing Kara?" Clark asked the last part worriedly. The heroine just sighed. "To be honest now, there were better days, baby cousin. But I will be okay at some point." She said with truth in her voice. Her cousin just nodded, but he got interrupted when Kara said: "Rao! Bye Kal, there's trouble! I send my greetings to all of you and love you." She said. Clark nodded and said: "Love you too." And the hologram faded away.

The Super flew out off her balcony and flew as fast as she could to the scene.

At Noonans

Everything was quiet and peaceful. Nothing bad was happening in the city and everyone was having a great time. Till a pack of men, with heavy armed guns entered Noonans. "There will be no trouble if you give us all your money and expensive jewelry." One of the men yelled. The Superfriends ducked under the table, trying to make a plan, but it all took the risk into revealing their identitie's, well for Nia, Brainy and J'onn. Panic was starting to fill the whole restaurant. A few men were punching innocent people, because they haven't handed their money or belongings. Suddenly some guy pulled Lena out of the table, grabbing her by the hair. "Well, well looks like we've gotten the full package boys." The guy said, who had a very deep voice. Lena was trying to fight out of his grip, but he was clearly to strong.

But then a red and blue blur knocked all of the men unconscious till the last one, who was holding Lena. "Let her go." Demanded the Super. The man tightened his grip on Lena and pressed a gun to her head. Everyone was relived to see their hero, even her friends and family who where right under the table. But Lena's eyes showed fear, panic "Or what Supergirl? You'll kill me?" He teased and that was clearly the wrong thing to do. Supergirl smirked. "No, just that you will clearly regret doing this." Then she gave a strong stomp on the floor creating at huge bulge right under his feet, where he was sent flying to the ceiling and right then she clapped her hands gently sending a sonic wave and making him fly out of the entrance where he hit a pole, quite hard and fell unconscious.

The whole restaurant was clapping their hands. The heroine just gave them warm smiles and made sure that everyone was okay. She checked on everyone before NCPD and an ambulance arrived. "Good job Supernal." A police officer complimented and she just nodded. "No problem." Kara replied. Then she walked over to her friends and family, but then looked at Lena. "Are you okay? Did he hit you somewhere?" Asked the heroine worriedly, but a little furiousness clear in her voice. A part of her was happy to see Lena, while the other part was totally pissed off. "Yeah I'm okay, K-Supergirl. Thank you." Lena replied and gave the Kryptonian a hug. But Kara just gave her a short hug and then later flew off. Not saying a single word.

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