Led away...

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At the Luthor and Danvers Household

All were sleeping peacefully, till Kara suddenly heard a weird noise. Right then, she woke up and noticed Lena was on her and the pets were sleeping on the ground, but that noise kept on bugging her. Kara had that feeling that there was something not right, so she slowly shifted out of Lena, making sure she wouldn't wake up and quickly changed into her suit. The blonde quickly wrote a note and the time...02:47 am. Then left the note on the coffee table and flew into the night sky.

She followed the disturbing noise, it was like a high pitched scream. It was totally bugging her. Kara looked around and saw the abandoned CADMUS building. Quickly she went inside. It looked scary, like it was some murder chamber in horror films. Every step she took, the noise got stronger. And when she was in the main part of the building, the control room and were the huge ship is. The noise was so strong it made her fall to her knees, but she had to stop it and noticed it came from the ship. She hesitated for a bit, but the noise got so painful for her sensitive ears, she super sped into the ship and turned a weird looking button off. Kara sighed in relief when the high pitched scream stopped, but then the ship started close the doors, move and the engines were activated.

Kara's eyes got wide and checked the control panel, if there was nay thing that could stop it, but there was nothing. Then she tried to rip open the door, but nothing budged. "Shit..." Muttered the Super and so the ship blasted into space with full speed.

5 hours later

At the Luthor and Danvers Household

Lena was woken up by barks and whines...or fire. "Well good morning to you too." Lena joked. The Luthor looked around and noticed that she wasn't laying on Kara anymore. "Love?" Lena yelled through the house, she found it off that Kara wasn't here. Quickly she made breakfast for her and the pets. While eating she turned the TV, to make sure her girlfriend was on duties, but nothing was on the news about Supergirl, only about Dreamer and Booster Gold. She found it weird, then she looked on the coffee table and saw the note.

Good morning Zhao!

I heard a weird noise, it was a very high pitched scream and I had a bad feeling about it. You were sleeping peacefully, so I didn't want to wake you up. I left at about 02:47 am.

Love you


Lena's eyes got wide at the realization. 'It's fine five hours! She mostly would be back by then.' Thought Lena. Instantly she grabbed her phone and dialed Alex's number. "Morning Lena." The director said. "Alex, I think Kara is missing!" Lena said in panic. The other line was quiet for a moment. "Lena get to the DEO, I just asked Nia and Kara wasn't in CatCo or at the DEO." Alex said. With that they hung up and Lena got prepared. After that she called her driver and the pets went with her. She was panicking and really wanted Kara's kisses and touches to comfort her. Instead she got relaxed when both dogs and dragon noticed that Lena was not feeling okay. All three just cuddled with her, making her feel much better.

At the DEO

"Brainy scan the whole city and with face recognition. Search for Kara." Demanded Alex, who was ordering multiple agent's to go find her sister. "On it director." Brainy affirmed. Nia and Micheal were nervous. "She wasn't in CatCo." Both said in unison. Alex was thinking. "She wasn't in the DEO either. Something must've happened, because she isn't home either. Lena called me, having a slight panic attack." Alex said. "Director, she's not in the city." An agent yelled. Right on time, Lena entered the facility with a worried look on her face, with a fire ball and two fur balls trotting behind her. "have you found her?!" Lena asked, with hope in her voice. All just nodded a 'no'. "Alex she left me a note. It's been almost six hours, since she left. She would be home by now." Lena said, as she handed the not the to Alex. "You're right, she would have been a long time home already. Something bad must've happened." Alex said worried. "Brainy can you scan the whole earth, including the the atmosphere for any weird activity, during the time between 3 and 4 am.' Lena asked the alien with a hopeful look. The alien typed like crazy on the keyboards till he yelled: "I found something!"

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