Baby stuff...

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It's been a month, till the couple found out about the triplets. Lena's bump was growing fast and about two weeks ago she started to work from home, since the mid started to snoop around again. Seriously, their jobs were stressful. Kara was busy with CatCo, covering up things about Lena, the babies and her, and Supergirl was needed, a lot. Lena had new coming projects and many unnecessary meetings. Kara always tried to make time for her fiancé, pets and little peanuts. And would also often work from home, even take off as Supergirl.

Lena's cravings were driving her crazy, literally. She would cry about small stuff or get mad about things. Kara always understood Lena, and helped her with the pregnancy, even the pets were helping them. Sometimes Kara would wish that she could carry them, because she hates seeing Lena sometimes in pain. Even though Lena did get her temporary powers, she would still wince in pain when the babies would kick, and Kara just felt really bad.

But they were excited for many things! Their babies due date was coming each day closer and so was the wedding. When they told their family they were having triplets, literally everyone did not expect it! Th couple still didn't reveal the genders, since they wanted to make a party and surprise their family again...they quite enjoy surprising them.

At the Luthor and Danvers Household

"Zhao, food is ready!" Kara yelled form the kitchen, who mad homemade Pizza. All three pets and a very pregnant Lena were in a mere second on the dining table. Th blonde just chuckled and brought the food to her hungry family. Within a millisecond, all four ate the Pizza and Kara just stood there in shock. "We're sorry honey." Apologized Lena and the pets gave eyes, indicating 'sorry'. Kara was still shocked. "Did you at least enjoy the Pizza?" Asked the blonde and got nods as 'yes'. Then Kara just gave them a warm smile. "Good to know. It's okay, I can eat something else." Kara said softly and kissed Lena on the cheek, then the bump and petted each pet. The other four sighed in relief, when Kara went to clean the dishes, because hungry Kara is terrifying.

After cleaning up the dishes, the pets went to take a nap and the couple went back to their study. When both sat down Kara kissed Lena deeply on the lips, loving the taste of Lena's lips. "I love you." Kara said softly and put her hand on the bump. Lena smiled bright and pecked Kara lips. "We love you too." right then Lena and Kara could feel the babies kicking. The gesture just made them smile more, they both smiled bright like the stars. "I think they can hear us." Lena whispered, not wanting to ruin the moment. "Yeah, they can." Kara whispered back. Both just had love and adoration all over their face. They still can't believe their going to be parents.

"Hey, why should we work, when we could make the nursery." Kara said enthusiastically. Lena just chuckled on how adorable her fiancé is. "You know what, you're right. Lets' do some baby stuff." Lena replied and stood up form her desk. Kara raised and eyebrow. "Baby stuff?" The blonde asked. The raven haired just rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yeah, baby stuff." And with that they went up into the rooms.

The good thing about Kara house was, you could connect rooms, basically they had moving walls. Kara and Lena chose for two guest rooms. In an instant Kara pressed a button and from two rooms, it became one. "Wait, where are the baby stuff we bought last week?" Kara asked. Lena just pointed down, meaning it was still in the car. "On it!" Kara said and super sped to the car. In second she was back with paint, toys, diapers, cribs and other baby stuff. "Honey, I'll build the cribs while you make the shelves." Lena said and Kara jus nodded. Both used their superspeed and in no time, three cribs and multiple shelves were already done. After that, the couple built the changing station and chose what to paint on the walls. "I think we should put your crest on it." Lena said. "you mean our crest." Kara said and kissed Lena sweetly on the lips. The answer form her fiancé jus made Lena's heart melt, she felt so accepted and loved, everything she didn't have when she was a child...She has it now and will never let go of it, ever. Lena had tears in her eyes, everything was just so overwhelming. "Zhao, what's wrong?" Kara asked worriedly, afraid that she has done something wrong. The Luthor knew Kara's face and felt bad. "No you didn't do anything wrong. It must be my mood swings, because everything is so overwhelming." Lena sneered and pecked Kara's cheek. The Super hugged the Luthor tight and whispered soothing things into her ear.

after a couple minutes of crying and hugging they started to paint. Of course Lena and Kara chose to use superspeed, since Lena loves the feeling and would only have it temporary. After about twenty minutes, the wall was done. The couple stood together, hand interlaced, in the room and were proud of the outcome. They painted superhero babies of all heroes they knew, like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Booster Gold, Martian Manhunter, Dreamer, Batwoman, Robin, Green Lantern, the Superpets and Supergrirl. Each of them were either flying or riding a vehicle. In the middle they painted the House of El crest on it...They painted the meaning of it, what their family crest means...El Mayarah.

Both had happy tears in their eyes and Kara just held Lena by the hips, making themselves close as possible. "I like this baby stuff." Lena said through tears. Kara started to chuckle. "Me too babe." Later they started to put stuff toys on the shelves and even put baby clothes into the closet. While Lena was organizing the stuff toys, she suddenly heard Kara burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" Asked Lena, confused. She instantly turned around and was met with Kara, tears in her eyes and held three Supergirl onesies. "Babe, this is adorable!" Commented Kara and made Lena laugh. They laughed their asses off, literally till they couldn't breath. After Rao knows how long, they were finally finished with the nursery.

"It's adorable." Commented Lena, who was standing on the door way with Kara. "You are adorable." Kara said and kissed Lena's forehead. That day, both could really believe that they were going to be parents of three little peanuts.

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