The Luthor-Danvers triplets

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At the DEO, the next day

The newly parents woke up by three loud screams, they literally scream. "Rao, they sure got our whining." Kara said and prepared three bottles with superspeed. "They definitely did." Lena chuckled. "Are my little peanuts hungry?" Kara said in her baby voice and soon the babies were smiling. Kara and Lena handed the bottles to the little half Kryptonians and all three chugged their milk in a minute. "And they got your appetite." Lena teased and made Kara giggle. "Yeah they did. We are really parents." Kara said with disbelief, as she look at her sons and daughter with love. "We really are." Lena said softly and gave Kara a soft kiss and then kissed each baby on the forehead, which made them giggle happily. "Honey, we better get them changed and us. Our whole family will be here soon." Lena said and pecked Kara's cheek one more time, before going to change three full diapers. "Yeah, I'll get the clothes ready and eventually new full bottles." Kara said, as she heard three little growling tummies.

An hour had passed and everyone were waiting in front of the door impatiently. Really, everyone were there...Alura, Eliza, J'onn, M'gann, Sam, Ruby, Kelly, Alex, Ashley, Blaze, Brainy, Nia, Clark, Lois, Connor, Jonathan, James, Lucy, Krypto, Koron, Mithen and Jess. All were there to meet the three new members of the Superfamily. "Dada, when will we meet them?" Connor asked, as he tugged Calrk's shirt. The twins nearly look like one year olds, they were growing abnormally fast because of their alien DNA, so they could already talk, walk and even use their powers already. Clark looked down at the little boy. "We'll meet them soon. Give aunty Kara and aunty Lena time." He said softly and fizzled Connor's hair.

The family waited for a few more minutes, till Kara got out. "Hey guys, be a little quiet. They're sleeping peacefully after four bottles." Kara said and opened the door wider for them. As they all got in, they saw Lena and three babies on her chest sleeping peacefully. All they could hear was 'Awww' from everyone, but right then the babies woke up...Thank Rao they did not scream, instead they giggled and smiled. "My daughter and daughter-in-law became a parents." Alura said in disbelief, as she hugged Kara and Lena, with the three babies. "May I?" J'onn asked. The couple nodded and gave him the dark haired baby boy, Eliza got the baby girl and Alura the dirty blonde baby boy. All of them fell in love in their enchanting eyes. "They have beautiful eyes." Kelly said, who was carrying Ashley, who looked very carefully at her cousins. Connor and Jonathan floated up a little and gave each baby a kiss, which made everyones heart melt. "What are their names?" Jess asked curiously, who was now carrying the dark haired boy. Kara and Lena looked at each other and smiled bright, like proud parents. "The dark haired baby boy is Kian Larsson Luthor-Danvers or Lar-El of Krypton. The mix haired baby girl is Kyra Lee Luthor-Danvers or Kyra Kar-El of Krypton. The dirty blonded baby boy is Kyril Leon Luthor-Danvers or Leo-El of Krypton." Everyone smiled bright. Alex and Clark were crying, the two people who almost no one sees crying. "Those are beautiful names." Alex said, who was carrying Kyra. "They really are." Clark said sniffling, who was holding Kian and Kyril. "For a day old, they do have a lot of hair on their heads." Sam said, as she stroked Kyra's beautiful hair. "They do have." Lena agreed and all the other's nodded.

"Am I the big cousin?" Ruby said, who looked like in shock and carried Kyril. Kara and Lena smiled warmly and nodded a 'yes'. "Congrats on the babies." M'gann said and gave a hug to the couple. "Thank you M'gann." Lena thanked. "Was it painful?" Lucy asked, who was now holding Kian. "I had it three times Major Lane-Olsen, three times! And yes it was...unpleasant." Lena answered and made everyone in the room laugh, but Lucy had a traumatized face...She was next to give birth in a few months. James, Lois and Ruby ducked down slowly, so all four pets could see them. The babies giggled and smiled and as a return, they got kisses from the four pets. "They do love the babies." James said, who was smiling softly. Brainy and Nia stood there, they were just looking at the three little babies. "They are so adorable and they definitely got Lena's death glare and Kara's puppy eyes." Nia said, who now held Kyra and Kyril. "Indeed." Brainy said, who was carrying Kian. Kara and Lena giggled. "Oh my God, even Kara's crinkle!" Nia said excitedly. It made everyone laugh in the room.

They all couldn't get enough from the triplets. After getting gifts, compliments, congratulations and the babies getting knocked out form all smiling and giggling, the family went home. Kara and Lena stayed in the med bay, till the triplets and Lena were ready to be released. the newly parents were laying on the bed, with three knocked out half alien babies in between them and three sleepy Kryptonian pets on the end of the bed. "I love you so much, for gifting me three little peanuts, that I love with all my heart. I love you so much, for being the most amazing soon-to-be wife. I love you so so much." Kara blurted out, as she looked at Lena with love written all over her face. "I love you so much for giving another family. I love you so much for being and amazing soulmate. I love you so much for showing what love is. I love you too, so so much." Lena said and kissed Kara deeply. As they broke the kiss, they could feel six pairs of eyes staring at them. Eventually the pets and triplets woke up. "We love you too, with all our hearts." Lena and Kara said in unison. The babies smiled at their mother's, showing their cute dimples. "Look! They even have your dimples." Lena said, who smiled at them with love. "They do, but also they have your beautiful lips." Kara said, with love.

Two hours passed and they finally fell asleep. Suddenly they started to sleep float. "Honey, your kids!" Whispered-yelled Lena. "Rao, they can do that already?" Kara asked bedazzled, as she pushed each baby softly down into the crib. "They are really the Luthor-Danvers triplets." Joked Lena and made Kara smile like a dork. Their adventure to this new chapter in life, was only beginning...A family with never ending love.

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