Eyes, showing all promises

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It's been already two weeks since they got back from Argo. Both had busy days at work and were basically bombarded with duties, right after their return. The DEO was still busy o searching those missing alien's, Supergirl had to always save the day, L-Corp had projects to finish and CatCo was busy with the media. Lena had also problems with Mithen's image inducer, since they either broke or where 'mysteriously' burned. Kara of course had to train her dragon, because there were times she went to work with burned or frozen clothes.

At Luthor and Danvers Household

Kara got off work early today,it was a quiet evening so Supergirl wasn't needed for a time and she had all her work done in CatCo...Perks of having superspeed. She was just watching a musical with Krypto, Koron and Mithen. All four were just relaxing, till they heard the door click open. "Hey loves!" Lena said cheerly, but tiredness was also clear in her voice. Both dogs barked and the dragon just flapped his wings happily. "Hey babe. I missed you." Kara said and placed a soft kiss on her girlfriends kissable lips. The Luthor just giggled and smiled like a child. "I ordered dinner. Should be here in about twenty minutes." Lena said and kissed Kara again. All Kryptonian pets tilted their heads, when they heard food. "Yup, you are definitely like my girlfriend." Joked Lena and made Kara chuckle. "My love, let me get your stuff, while you get yourself comfortable." Kara said softly, soon she grabbed Lena's things and super sped around the house, while Lena got changed.

All were cuddling on the large couch, till Krypto ripped open the door to reveal a delivery boy with ten Pizza's, a Salad, five boxes of Potsticker's and a box with cookie's. He rather looked shocked but smiled when he saw both dogs and petted them. Lena walked over and gave the young man a hundred, telling him to keep the change. With that they all attacked the food. Lena found it adorable on how Kara looked. "What?" The Super said, who was now munching on a Pizza slice. Lena just gave her a peck on the cheek. "You just look adorable, while looking at food." Lena said  with heart eyes. The pets were busy eating and Koron may have stolen a few Potsticker's from Kara, wich she didn't find out yet. "I love you." Kara said and looked at Lena with heart eyes. Lena did the same and said: "I love you too."

They all continued to eat, till there were no leftovers left, well basically the Kryptonian's ate everything. All got snuggled together on the couch and watched 'The Lion King', since the pets really liked that movie. Krypto and Koron kept on barking when they saw Scar and Mithen just gave a low growl. Lena and Kara just chuckled and found it quite funny. "Imagine how they'll be when we have kids one day." Kara said and kissed Lena's forehead. Then Lena spat out her water and looked shocked. Kara instantly knew the look. "Oh sorry babe, did I surprise you. Rao, I knew I shouldn't have said that, I mean it's too early an-." Kara got interrupted by soft lips pressing on her's. They broke the kiss and Lena looked at Kara with adoration. "It's okay, love. I found it adorable. It just really got me off guard, but I love it and I can't wait to have kids with you. Never be ashamed on telling me something, never." Lena said the last part sternly. She wanted that Kara could tell, ask her everything, without being scared, because for her it's important to be honest and open in a relationship. Of course Kara had the same mindset, she always wanted someone were she could be just Kara Zor-El, not hiding anything or keeping secrets. Kara has Alex, but a sister and a girlfriend are different. Lena doesn't have that many except for Sam and Ruby, but Kara is just different.

Kara nodded and hugged Lena tighter. "Yeah, I can imagine how they'll be with our kids. Let's just hope that one day the house wouldn't be burnt to a crisp." Lena joked and both stated to laugh. The movie ended and the pets went to their room, since they had a tiring day themselves. The couple gave them hugs, kisses and pets, before they went to sleep. Kara got out of the room and closed the door. Both went to the balcony and got snuggled together, they were star gazing and Kara would tell Lena where she was in space or wich solar system that is or wich planet that is. Lena found it really amazing how much Kara knew and where she's been. "Oh that star you see there...It's the closest neighboring solar system to where Krypton used to be." Kara pointed out to the sky. "It's beautiful." Lena said. Kara looked at Lena, all they could see was love in their eyes. "Not as beautiful as you." Kara complimented and kissed Lena with passion.

Both just continued to snuggle and star gaze. Kara then started to 'humm' a melody. "I swear to Rao, when I come home." Kara sang softly. "I'm gonna hold you so close. I swear to Rao, when I come home, I'll never let go. Like a river, I flow to the ocean I know. You pull me so close, guiding me home." The blonde sang.

Lena couldn't stop looking up to Kara. She noticed it was the song 'Falling Like The Stars by James Arthur', that Kara was singing. She loves it when Kara sings, the angelic voice just makes her forget about the world. "And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast, we're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love. And I'm not scared to say those words, with you I'm safe, we're fallin' like the stars fallin' in love." Kara sang the chorus with all her heart, because Lena deserves all her heart, just everything, because Lena is her everything.

Lena started to cry happy tears and snuggled closer to Kara. Everyday Kara is giving Lena another reason to fall in love with and this is one of the reasons. For Kara, it's the same...Lena gives her every single day a purpose and reason to fall in love with. "I swear to Rao, I can see. Three kids and no sleep. We'll have one each knee, you and me, hmm. And when they've grown up. You're still the girl in the club. When I held your hair up, 'cause you had too much'." The Super sanf softly, hitting every vocal, making sure the love she has for Lena is clear in her voice. "And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast, we're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love. And I'm not scared to say those words, with you I'm safe, we're fallin' like the stars fallin' in love." Again the chorus, Lena just enjoyed the voice and then looked into Kara's eyes. There she saw pure love, dedication, loyalty, respect, adoration, comfort, protection and everything Kara had promised her. "I swear to Rao, every day. He won't take you away. 'Cause without you, babe, I lose my way'."

Lena smiled bright like a star, the brightness...the light that Kara always saw, was always written in Lena's precious smiles. Kara hummed the instrumental part, while the breeze was touching their cheeks. Tears started to fill their eyes, but not of sadness, but of happiness. Kara sang now the bridge. "Oh, I'm in love. Oh, I'm in love. Oh, I'm in love. Oh, I'm in love. Oh' I'm in love. Oh, I'm in love." Kara could say that sentence a billion times, because she is in love...They are in love. The blonde will never get bored saying 'I love you' or 'I'm in love with you' to Lena, because she means it, every word that comes out of her mouth for Lena...She means it. When Kara looked into Lena's beautiful green, she saw everything she loves about Lena.

Soon the song was ending, Kara sang the last part softly and more quiet. "And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast, we're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love. And I'm not scared to say those words, with you I'm safe, we're fallin' like the stars fallin' in love." Kara ended the song and Lena kissed her deeply with all the love, she has. "That was beautiful. I love you so much." Lena said. Kara kissed her deeply and looked at her with heart eyes. "I love you too." Both cuddled again together and eventually have fallen asleep, with two beating hearts, filled with happiness and love.

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