It's our honeymoon

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At the Maldives

After a tiring flight and boat ride the newly wedded couple made it to their destination. "Zhao, why did we go by plane if I could've just brought us here? I am faster than any built plane on earth." Kara asked, while helping the chauffeur with their baggage. "Because, it's our honeymoon and I want you too relax. Supergirl is having a break, Kara Zor-El Luthor-Danvers is going to enjoy her honeymoon with her wife ." Lena said and pecked Kara's lips, making the Super grin. "Okay then, wife. Supergirl will take a break, Kara Zor-El Luthor-Danvers is ready for her honeymoon, with her lovely wife." Kara whispered into her wife's ear and Rao did Lena blush. "Can't wait." Replied Lena.

The couple walked into the reception ready to check in to their beach house. When they entered the lobby, many people were staring at them in awe. "Supergirl..." Whispered a little girl, who was looking at Kara in shock and admiration. Of course, the Super heard it and walked over to the little girl, crouching down to her level. "Hey, little one! I like your dinosaur plush toy." Kara complimented and made the girl smile. "It's a T-rex, my favorite." Answered the girl shyly and Kara smiled. "Mine too. I fought one recently. They're not scary, they just like to eat." Kara said and have a high five to there girl. "Really?" The girl asked in disbelief. The Super chuckled and nodded. "Hey, what's your name?" Kara asked politely. The girl looked up to her mother and then Kara. "Maia." Maia answered shyly. "Well, Maia. I really like your plush toy and hope to see you around here more often." Kara said and Maia hugged the heroine tightly. After a minute Kara said bye and had to follow her wife, who was waiting patiently for her. "Made a new friend?" Lena teased and got a kiss from Kara. "Yeah, her name is Maia and loves dinosaurs, especially T-rex." Kara answered and got another kiss from Lena. "I love you." Lena said in admiration. "I love you too." Kara answered and pecked Lena's lips.

They checked theirselves in and were brought to their beach house. "Ms. Luthor-Danvers, we are here." The driver said. Lena gave the driver a tip and Kara gave her 'super smile'. "Thank you." The driver thanked. Just when he wanted to help them with their baggage, everything was loaded out of the car. "Thank you sir. I already did the baggage." Kara said and the driver nodded. When they entered the beach house, they were really amazed.It was quite cozy looking. It had about three bedrooms, since pets and kids were still coming. A part form the living room was glass and they could see the clear ocean water, there was a terrace with an infinity pool, hang matts, a billiard table and a slide that lead to the ocean...It was amazing. "The kids and pets will love this." Lena said and Kara nodded in agreement. "So, wanna go for a swim?" Kara asked and held Lean by the waist. "I-I don't know..." Lena hesitate, because the sun was quite high up and it was very hot. "Please. It's our honeymoon." Kara reasoned and her wife sighed in defeat. "Fine." Lena said and got a deep kiss from Kara. "I love you." Kara said, as she gazed into the pair of eyes she fell in love with. "I love you too." Lena said, gazing into ocean blue eyes. They inched closer and kissed with love and passion.When they broke the kiss, they couldn't stop smiling.

Suddenly Kara picked Lena up and super sped to the master bedroom. "Love, please warn me!" Scolded Lena and Kara used her secret weapon...Puppy eyes. "Okay, I'm not mad, but please warn me next time?" Lena said nicely and pecked Kara's soft lips, making the Super smile. They got changed into their bikinis. Lena had a black bikini, showing her beautiful porcelain skin, curvy body and beautiful scars. Kara could not take her eyes off the goddess in front of her, even though she has seen Lena naked...Multiple times, she would never get enough of Lena's beauty. "You're a goddess, absolutely stunning." Kara said out of breath and made Lena blush. "Well, my opinion is that you are the goddess." Lena said and kissed Kara sweetly. "No, you are." Kara said and pecked her wife's lips before changing into her white bikini, with white beach shorts. And Rao, Lena could not stop looking at those steel abs, toned arms, muscular legs and how in Rao's name can a back be so attractive, it was absolutely made out of muscles. She has seen Kara's body countless times and always gets stunned by it. "Oh wow..." Lena said out of breath, which made Kara smirk. "Like what you see?" Teased the Super. "Oh, very very much." Lena said and slinged her arms around Kara's strong shoulders. The Super kissed her wife again, before they walk to the terrace.

When Kara saw the water, she directly jumped into the ocean and Lena chuckled at her wife's childish behavior. "Babe, come on!" Whine Kara and soon Lena got into the water. Kara was on her back, practically floating above the water, while Lena was on top of her. Since Kara is Lena's personal heater, she didn't feel cold when a light breeze went though. They both just enjoyed the moment, when Kara yelled. "Sea turtle!" Startling Lena, who almost fell into the water, but was caught by her wife. "Honey! Don't scare me like that." Scolded Lena and Kara just chuckled. "I'm sorry Zhao. But look at that sea turtle." Kara said and pointed to the turtle. The water was so crystal clear that they could see till about 20 meters deep, without any problem. "It looks so adorable." Lena complimented and looked at the beautiful creature in awe. "Can we keep it?" Kara asked and Lena just looked at her dumbfounded. "Love, it belongs in the ocean and at home we already have two Kryptonian dogs and one Kryptonian dragon." Lena said matter-of-factly and made Kara pout. "Okay." Kara sighed in debate. Just then the sea turtle swam to their direction and looked at the couple questionably. "Aquaman would be really helpful now, since he could translate it to us." Kara said and her wife just nodded. "Yeah, it would be big help, because I have a feeling it's judging us." Joked Lena. The turtle judged them for a sort moment, before swimming somewhere else. "Bye!" Kara said and the turtle just saw further. "I think it hates us." Whispered Lena, making Kara laugh. They floated for a bit, till they went back to their beach house.

Just when they arrived Lena heard a very loud growling stomach. "You go get towels, while I order food." Lena said. "Yes ma'am." Kara joked and walked to where the towels are. Lena then ordered food for a whole army and a couple minutes later it arrived. She then brought to the terrace, where Kara was making the table. "Food!" She said excitedly and sat down onto the chair. When the food hot the table, it was attacked by a very hungry Kryptonian. Lena was sneaky and took a few photos of Kara and sent it to Alex, to show it to the triplets. They ate together in comfortable silence, while the held each other's hand. Finally when they were done eating, Kara led Lena to the deck chairs a they both snuggled close to each other , enjoying the beautiful sunset. "Today was amazing and I love you." Kara said and kissed Lena on the cheek. "It was and I love you too." Lena answered and kissed her wife deeply on the lips. They both enjoyed the peaceful moment, feeling safe in each other's arms and gazing into the beautiful sunset...It's truly their honeymoon.

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