Questions being answered

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Two days have passed after the big reveal. Kara still can't believe the world knows who she is...The world knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl. For the past two days she took a break from work as CEO and Supergirl, because she wanted to spend some time with Lena, the pets and little peanut's. The break was also necessary, since the media was going crazy, literally crazy. There were many questions like, 'A Super and a Luthor engaged, how?'. Kara and Lena were on the top of news, many companies wanted interviews and answers...They mostly wanted answers about Lena's pregnancy.

At the Luthor and Danvers Household

It was time to go back to work for Kara and she was nervous. Lena was making coffee for them and food for the hungry Kryptonian pet's. They decided today that Mithen, the dragon will go with Kara and won't need his image inducer anymore, but Krypto and Koron will stay for Lena's protection. "Here you go, honey." Lena handed the nice hot cup of coffee to Kara. "Thank you, Zhao. Can you come and visit me for lunch? Because Nia told me we have to write another article about us, since the whole city wants to know." Kara said and pecked Lena's soft lips. "I think I can go. But can you buy food? I might eat everything before I would even arrive at CatCo." Lena said and made Kara chuckle. "Of course babe. Oh Rao, I'm going to be late for a meeting." Kara said and glanced at the time. "Go get em Supergirl." Teased Lena and gave Kara a short kiss with love and passion. "I love you." Kara said softly, as she met Kryptonite green eyes. "I love you too." Lena said, pecking Kara's cheek. "I'll see you at lunch, Zhao." Kara said, as she got her laptop and bag. They kissed one more time and Kara was on the balcony ready, when she yelled: "Mithen, we gotta go!" Instantly an ice blue dragon was ready and they flew into the sky.

At CatCo

It was a short flight. Kara and Mithen landed in an empty alley. "Old habits are hard to get rid of." Kara said to Mithen, who flapped his wings in agreement. Quickly Kara changed to Kara Danvers, still having her glasses on. They both walked to CatCo and as soon they arrived, paparazzi and people were boarding them with questions. Kara noticed it made Mithen uncomfortable, so they super sped to the elevator. "I'm so sorry Mithen. I know you're not used to it." Kara apologized to Mithen, giving him pets. Just when the elevator dinged and opened, everyone were looking at their boss and were surprised to see a dragon. Kara literally didn't know what to do, so she ignored it and wen into her office, which the desk was full of paperwork, questions, letters and invitations. The blonde just sighed and motioned for Mithen to sit on his bed.

Still her employees were looking at her and it made her feel weird. She knew one thing that was the reason, they wanted answers. Kara took off her glasses and walked out of her office. "So people. I know this is a lot to take in, mostly that Supergirl was clearly in front of you this whole time. And I know you guys want answers from me...I can't answer them now, that's for another time. But I want you to know, just because I'm a Kryptonian, that I'm an alien, that I'm a Superhero, that I am Supergirl...doesn't change me. I am still Kara Danvers, the CEO of CatCo, the soon-to-be-wife of Lena Luthor, the soon-to-be mother, the sister, the friend and I can see on a few of your faces that you're scared of me. Don't worry I don't hurt innocent people, but it's up to you to trust me...Because I don't force people. It's also a weird feeling for me now, that the whole world knows that Kara Danvers is Supergirl. And it's also weird for me to wear civilian clothes without my glasses in public. But just so you know...You can always come to me...I don't bite. And if you have a few questions that you eagerly want answers from, just come to my office and ask." Kara said and gave a charming smile to everyone. People started to relax their shoulders and other's smiled at her. Suddenly she was attacked by Mithen, who tackled her on the ground. She heard her employees starting to laugh and it made her smile. "Mithen! Oh come on, did you really have to burn my shirt?" Kara asked and got puppy(dragon) eyes as a response. "Oh Rao, my kids will be so much worse." Mumbled Kara to herself.

Workers look at her worried, but she gave them a reassuring smile. After the incident with Mtihen, she finally got into work. A part from her was happy that she doesn't have to hide things anymore and can use her powers, without hiding them. In about twenty minutes she was done with her paperwork, thanks to superspeed. She wanted to write a few articles, when she was interrupted by a knock. "Come in!" Kara said and she was met by a newbie reporter, named Tristan.

"Miss Danvers, I have questions." He said hesitantly. Kara just smiled and motioned him to sit on the couch. Right when he sat on the couch across Tristan, Mithen hopped next to her and snuggled close. "You have a pet dragon?" He asked. Kara just nodded. "Yeah, I have. I also have two Kryptonian dogs. This little fire ball is Mithen. I named her after her home moon, Mithen, because she comes from there." Kara answered. Tristan looked interested and asked more questions about Krypton and Kara's life there. After all the questions, he was finally on the last: "What does the 'S' symbol mean on your suit?" Kara smiled at that thought and answered: "It's my family's coat of arms, the House of El. On Krypton 'El' meant 'of the stars'. Because people believed that my family came from the Star, that was named Rao. Also to many, it meant hope, because my family also did deeds to help my people."

Hours have passed, many employees did come to ask questions and Kara was more than happy to answer them. She did have Supergirl emergencies, but minor ones.Finally, lunch arrived and Kara bought Big Belly Burger for her family. She heard all of her favorite six heartbeats come up the elevator and it made her smile. The blonde heard the ding and saw a very pregnant Lena, with a black and white dog. "Hey Zhao." Kara said and kissed Lena softly on the lips. "Hey honey." Lena said and pecked her fiancé's cheek. "Hello to you too buddies!" Kara squealed and gave both dogs hugs, as a response she got barks.Lena petted Mithen softly, which made her relax. They all got comfortable on the couches and Kara brought them the food. In a millisecond, they started to attack the food. "How was work honey?" Lena asked, while munching on her third burger. Kara beamed a smile. "It went great! I offered my employees to ask me anything and may did ask me. Just about a you and the babies questions, I couldn't answer yet, but I did promise them. By the way I already finished the article about us and we will have an interview next week at the NC news." Kara said, while she eat her fries. All she got was a smile from Lena ad a 'humm'. "I'm really happy it's going well." Lena answered. Kara held her hand and asked: "How about you? Are you and the babies okay?" Kara looked really worried and so were the pets. Lena's heart melted and Kara held her bump, like she was protecting the little peanut's. "Don't worry, love. The babies and me are all good and healthy, and also very happy." Lena answered and gave Kara a deep kiss. When they broke thew kiss, all Lena could see was a cheeky smile on Kara's face that showed her adorable dimples. "I love you." Kara said and pecked Lena's lips. "I love you too."

They continued to eat and finally, Kara showed her article about them, to Lena. Everything was written on it, also about the pregnancy and Kara explained how the Krytponian biology works. After reading the whole article through, Lena agreed to publish it. With a push of a button, it was published into the world. The couple were really happy.

Later Lena went back home and got to work. Kara herself had work to do and a few other employees, still dod come to ask. It was already late in the evening and Kara got everything done, so she headed home with Mithen.

At the Luthor and Danvers Household

Kara landed softly o the balcony and found her fiancé and dogs, knocked out on the couch. The founder utterly adorable and took a picture. "This is going on the wall." muttered Kara inaudible. Mithen got snuggled close too and fell asleep, instantly. Kara got quickly changed and later carried Lena to their bed. She spun her and held her tight, while holding the bump with the three little peanuts. Eventually Lena got much closer and Kara kissed her forehead softy and drifted into a nice sleep.

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