Well, back to earth!

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Sadly it was the last day for the couple in Argo. They did want to stay longer, but they had jobs to get back to.

Both Super's were loading the ship with all the baggage and prepared the ship, checking if everything was intact, while the pets were just being lazy and sleeping on the comfortable couch. And Lena, Lois, Alura and the twins, were checking out the science guild. "Kal, when are you guys coming back?" Kara asked while checking the controls of the ship. Kal was clearly thinking on what to say. "Were planning when the twins are about three months." The 'older' Super said, while filling the kitchen with food and drinks. The blonde just nodded and continued her work. Clark was clearly thinking, if he should tell Kara. "Umm Kar?" Clark hesitated. Kara looked back at her baby cousin, giving him attention. "I-i'm planning...Well uh, how do I say this? Umm...I'm planning to-to retire as Superman." Clark stuttered, he was so nervous and afraid on how his older cousin will react. Kara just stopped and looked blankly at Clark, not knowing what to say. She really didn't expect this, I mean she did, but not that soon.

It had bin a minute of silence till Kal broke the silence: "Kara...You are a much better hero than me. I mean you can handle earth without a problem. When I did it alone, it was totally chaotic and dangerous, it's still dangerous, but much safer without me. Even though I may have been Superman much longer than you, you have clearly become better than me, in using your powers, combat skills and what you represent. People and kids look up to Supergirl more than to Superman, because she is the better hero...You are the better hero. I may be sometimes respected more in the public, but to my opinion...I think you deserve it much more, than me. I didn't always see the good in people, but you have seen it in the most evil beings in the whole universe. Kara you are a beacon to the world, maybe to the whole universe. You don't just save people, you made them see the best parts of themselves." Clark said, he meant every word with truth, because it's true, he always knew his cousin would be the better hero than he can ever be. Now Kara had tears in her eyes and ran to her baby cousin, giving him a tight hug. "Look Kal. I-i was just surprised and I knew one day you will retire, but I didn't expect it will be this soon. But you are a great hero too, not only me. It's just going to be weird, not seeing my cousin heroing anymore, for good. I understand, you want to be with your son's while they grow up and with your wife. It's a big change, but I can handle change...It's fine...I will pick up the cape." Kara said calmly and meant every word. She was really surprised, but knew it would've happened. Clark had also tears in he's eyes and hugged his older cousin. "Thank you for understanding, sejehb."

While both Super's had their emotional moment, all other's just got back from the guild. "Lena, I have a gift for you." Alura said with a bright smile. Lena turned around, while holding Connor, who was clearly asleep. She quickly gave Connor to Lois and followed the oldest Kryptonian. Alura lead Lena, to Zor-El's lab. The older woman quickly opened a box and she took out a serum. "Kara told me you were working on a cure for every illness on earth. So she asked me if I could get the serum from the rondor. This is not only a offer from Kara, bit it's a gift from me." Alura said softly and gave Lena the serum. The Luthor was speechless, she didn't expect anything and this was a total surprise. Of course she took it and gave a bright smile to Alura. "Thank you so much." Lena said and hugged Alura tight. Both broke the hug and walked to the living room, to see Connor and Jon playing with their toys.

Clark and Kara got out form the ship, since everything was ready and went into Alura's house. "Hey guys!" Kara said as she entered the house and instantly walked to Lena giving her a soft kiss. Then she saw her nephew's playing and as usual...She joined them. Everyone started to chuckle. "So how was the guild?" Clark asked. Lois looked at her husband and smiled. "You should have seen Lena. She acted like a child, who has entered a toy shop." Joked Lois and everyone started to laugh. "I must say, the guild would've have been happy to have her in the team. I mean, they explained her something in two minutes and she knew already what was going on. She really did impress the whole guild." Alura said proudly, she was also very impressed on how Lena understood the theory, without a problem. "And that's my girlfriend everyone!" Kara said with a goofy smile. "Well, I must say Kara herself isn't bad. I saw the board and nobody was able to break your IQ record." Lena answered. She was shocked to see Kara's IQ level and felt dumb for not noticing that her girlfriend is actually a genius. Kara just blushed and her cheeks got red. Alura looked at her daughter and started to have memories of young Kara, doing the most complicated equations on the whole planet. "Multiple people did try, but nobody has gotten that close." The oldest Kryptonian said.

They all talked for awhile. Everyone made dinner together, while the pets tried to get food, that has fallen from the floor and the babies just giggled. Jon and Connor kept on squealing when their aunt Lena would make funny faces or when aunt Kara would make raspberries on them. They all had fun cooking and had a great meal.

Kara and Lena had to leave soon. Everyone where outside, saying their goodbyes. While Lena was talking to Lois and Clark and the babies. Kara was with her mom. "Kara, I'm really going to miss you." Alura said and hugged her daughter tight. They both hugged tight, as if it were their last hug. "I'm going to miss you too Ieiu. But remember, I'll always try to come and visit." Kara said, as a tear fell out of her eye. Her mother wiped the tear away and smiled. "I know you will, but I'll also come and visit earth when I have time. I love you, my little sun." Alura said softly and kissed Kara's forehead. The blonde smiled and hugged her mother again. "I lobe you too." Kara said.

As the couple boarded the ship with the pets, Clark shouted: "Go be the universe's mightiest hero!" Lena and Kara started to chuckle and the blonde gave her baby cousin a warm smile. They ll got buckled up and made themselves ready for the launch. "Well, back to earth!" Kara said and launched the ship into the vacuum of space.

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