34:I Know What I Want

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Take it^^^^^^ you might need it later

Mags's POV

Today is just like the past few weeks.

Get up, check on Maria, fix her breakfast, give her medicine, let her rest, fix her a meal, give her more medicine, let her rest again.

It's getting so tiring but if it's going to help make her feel better than I will do it. I'm honestly surprised I haven't gotten sick from her yet. I mean I'm around her all the time.

I guess I'm just lucky.

Tying my hair up I walk out of my room and head to Maria's. I open her door and find out she isn't in her bed."What"

Suddenly I hear a door open behind me. Turning around I see Maria walk-no DANCE  out of the bathroom with earphones in. Was she faking being sick?


She stops and looks at me"Ah Mags"Coming over to me she grabs my face and kisses both sides of my face"Ha aha What did I tell you. I'll take a lickin and keep on tickin"

"But-but for the past weeks you've-"

"Had a high fever, headaches, drowsy, nausea. I know, but look at me now. I'm better. I mean I just came back from a run. A run Mags, I haven't done that in so long"

Bringing my hand up to her forehead, I feel it and it's a bit warm but not like it's been the past few weeks"I guess so. Maybe it's just an age thing"

"Stop worrying about me, go out today. I feel terrible for keeping you in all day for the past weeks. Go spend some time with your friends. When you come back home, we will have Enmolad"

"Okay, just call me if you need anything and take medicine if-"

"Mags, just get out the house"

I laugh at her as I kiss her cheek before heading back into my room. Grabbing my phone, I text Nick

Me: Wanna go on a date today?

Smokes<3: What kinda of question is that


"Are you sure she's going to be fine today?"

"That's what she told me"

Originally I was going to plan the date for today but Nick insisted that he do it. He's been very on edge and jumpy kinda. I think he wanted this date to be special because he's not wearing his usual clothes. He's wearing a long sleeve with jeans and high tops. 

Right now we're in the city walking around and going into some shops here and there."Are you hungry?"

"Not really, no" We continued walking until I saw something."Come with me"

"What is"Nick laughed as I grabbed his hand and run across the street into the building."Go karts?"

"yes, I've always wanted to do this it'll be fun"We get everything signed and the works lead up to the back, passed the regular track. I wonder why?

"Now this is going to be a some new track but it hasn't been tested out yet. Would you guys like a try?" It looked much bigger than the regular one. More turns and it also looked like it goes outside.

Nick and I didn't even say anything, We just got in the carts and started driving. It was so much fun.

I think we have that feeling in us when we drive to just say 'screw it' and speed down the road. I know I have and now I could kinda do that.

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