23:"Brunettes are Better"

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Mags's POV

"How much money do you have saved up from your old job"

"Um, probably a decent amount. Why"

It's only been about three days since I quit at the corner store and Maria was very happy for me. She thinks it brought me down.

"Well I was thinking about taking you to the car dealership and-"

"You want to take to get my own car?"

"Why not? I mean you're old enough and you finally have your drivers license. I can take you this weekend"

Do I want my own car? I mean it would be nice and everything. But I really enjoy driving around with Nick in his car

"I don't know"We get a stop sign before driving off again. Turning the corner, Maria drives into the parking lot of my school"Can we talk about this on Sunday?"

"Sunday? Mags it's Friday. Where are you going tomorrow?"

"I'm sleeping over at Nick's tonight but I'm hanging out with Diem tomorrow."

Maria narrows her eyes at me. I held out my pinky finger. She linked her around mine"You better be lucky I love you child"

I remove my pinky from hers as i open the door"Thank you Maria" I climb out of the car and head towards my small school.

Lately school has been really boring. Like nothing happens and now I'm invisible, kinda. I mean there some guys that hit on me but stop when they see my tag.

I guess Nick and the gang are well know now.

I get to my locker and put in my combo before opening it. I forgot to put my contacts in today so I have to wear my glasses today. I don't think Nick has every seen my in my glasses before so he's in for a treat when he picks me up

I start to put things in my locker when my meds fell out of my bag. I quickly reach down and grab them. I haven't taken my meds in a while, probably because I haven't had any problems lately.

It's weird, I mean for a year and a half, I depended on those meds to keep me calm and now all of a sudden I don't need them as much.

Should I be happy about that?

Shaking my head, I put my meds back into my bag and grab my history book. We should have a sub today. I don't know why but  I tend to get more work down with a sub than with the actual teacher



"Are you serious?"

"yes, Mags, you are getting better, you need to go through a real simulation"

Diem has done an amazing job at train me lately and I pass all challenges she throws my way. but now she wants to put me threw a real life situation to see how I would do. I don't think I ready fro that, not at all.

"Can we eat pizza first?"

There was silence on the other line"Sure"

"Why do we even need to train so hard. Your work is known throughout the state"

"I'm aware. We train to get strong. And maybe one day we can come together and take over the guys"

"I'm down" The bell rang signalling lunch was over"I got to go. Oh by the way, is Nick okay?"

"Um yeah, he left at like 9 this morning and hasn't come back yet"Oh

"Okay, I see you after school" I hang up.

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