21:Late Night Calls

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Mags's POV

I park Maria's car in the drive way before shutting it off and getting out.

 I have a boyfriend. I actually have a boyfriend. And I had my first kiss

 I smile as I walk up the steps to the house before opening the door. After placing down the bricks, I walk down the hall to the kitchen

"Evening Mags"I ignore Maria as I open the fridge to get water, a smile still on my face. I close the fridge and find Maria standing behind the door with a confused look"Are you okay?"

"I'm amazing" I turn on my heel and head to my room. Once I'm in there, I strip down to my bra and underwear and then head over to my dresser . I pull out some shorts and a tank top

As I put on my tank top, I get a call. Grabbing my phone, I see it's Diem


"Hey, how was work?"

"Boring, but something happened"


"Mick"Suddenly Diem screamed into the phone. When ever Diem and I talk about Nick and I, she refers to us as Mick. I told I was only call us that if we got together

"Are you serious?"

"Yes" I laughed as I pull up my shorts

"How" I was about to talk when I heard another voice"Baby, it's almost midnight, please can we sleep already? You can talk to Mags in the morning" That has to be Dalen"No I can't, by then she'll be like 20% over it so I need all her raw emotions now"

I laughed at them as I turned off my light before climbing into bed"If I give you something raw, will you go to bed?" I widened my eyes at what Dalen said.

"Should I call you later?"

"Don't mind him, he's just upset because we haven't done it in a while. Now tell me how it happened"

"Well, we were walking out of the store to my car. And then he started to stutter a lot because, I think he was going to ask me out. It was so cute, like for once, he was the nervous one, not me!" Diem laughed"And then I cut him off by kissing him"

"You what!?"

"I kissed him"

"Mags! Mags, you kissed Nick! For your first kiss?! Oh my god"I started laughing and I'm pretty sure I heard Dalen chuckle on the other side of the phone too"Then what?"

"Well he asked about me being a minor and everything but I know he wouldn't stop until I'm his, so I asked him to be boyfriend"

"So not alone did you kiss him first but you ALSO ask him out first. M we need to celebrate. You're growing up"She sounded like she was starting to cry but she was faking it

"Well after I asked him , he said no. As a joke"

"Did you cry"I roll my eyes


"I'll kick his ass." I laughed"Mags, I can't believe you guys are dating, that's crazy. I mean, Nick went from spacing out cause he was thinking about you  to him being worried he would be late to go see you at the store"

Was I really on his mind that much? No, guys don't think about a girl, one single girl, for that long. No, not unless they really like them.

I was about to say something when there was a mumble on Diem's side"Yeah?.......Yes, I am" two seconds went by before I heard Diem screaming and Dalen laughing

"Diem? Diem are you okay?" She kept screaming while Dalen was laughing. Eventually I heard her say some curse words.

I heard the phone being picked up"Mags, you're going have to get a new boyfriend, I don't want to deal with this every time I'm on the phone with you"

"What do you mean?"

"Nick just attacked me because apparently he's been trying to call you but you didn't answer because we are talking." She got cut off somehow

"Hello? Diem?"

"Hey baby"a smile instantly formed on my face

"Hi Nick" If I know Nick correctly, I believe he has a smile on his face right now"Why did you attack my best friend"

"Because she was hogging you, and I wanted to hear your voice" Wider. My smile got wider"Plus you didn't call when you got home to let me know you were okay. I got worried"

"Sorry about that. i kinda just got home and got in bed"

"Is that so? Well then, what are you wearing?"

I gasped"Nick!"

"Okay, that's it" I heard a smack"You two are not having sex talk on my phone"

"We weren't going to-"

"That's fine, we'll talk on my phone" Suddenly the call disconnected. I pulled my phone back and saw it was ended.

Suddenly Nick's contact popped up showing he was calling. I slide the phone to answer it"Hola, teléfono de Mags"(Hello, Mag's phone)

"Oh, um, Maria?"

"No, it's Mags"

"Mags, hang up and call me so we can talk"I love you Diem"No don't do that" I heard a door close"Hey sweetie"Nick made his voice sound really deep

"Hi"I laughed out

"So, you got home safe"

"No, I got jumped by like 20 ninjas and they all had a monkey side kick. It took forever but I was able to fight them all off"

"Were you able to keep a monkey"

"I tried but he ran away to his wife and kids" I heard him sigh out there was small thud. I think he's in bed

"Such a shame. What's today"

"Well it's Sunday but since it's past Midnight, it's technically Monday"

"Ohh, you know what that means"

"What?" Monday's suck

"You have school in the morning"

"would you shut up" I hate school. I'm alone there

"Sorry that I want my junior of a girlfriend to be rested for school"

"You have school tomorrow as well you know"

"Actually, I don't. We all graduated early. You would be easier with...work"

That's actually pretty smart."I don't know why you tease me about school, that's 8 hours you can't talk to me"

"Well of course I can't. But I could sneak in and kidnap you"

I started to yawn"Don't do that"

"Aww, is someone tired? Does someone needs to sleep before school"

I roll my eyes as I pull back my phone and hang up on him. Sometimes it's funny when he teases about school. Sometimes.

I roll on my side and realize I still have my contacts in. Grabbing my case I quickly take them out and lay back down. My phone dinged

Smokes<3:Please answer your phone. I'm sorry baby

Me:Sorry, I have to get sleep for school tomorrow

I locked my phone and put it down before closing my eyes. Every now and them, I'll hear it ding, signalling that I got a text

Sorry Nick, I need to sleep


After weeks of not knowing what to write for this chapter, I finally have it. yess.

Nick's GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon