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Mags POV

Holding my bleeding leg, I lean up against the wall as I try to catch my breath.

I peek over the corner and spot an opening for an exit. If I'm quick enough I can make it.

Without a second thought I rush towards the clear exit. I almost reached it when I was knocked down and turned over. I looked up and saw a gun being pointed right in my face

I failed

"Bang. You're dead" I let out a exhale as the lights came on. Diem puts down the unloaded gun and gets off of me"Mags, you're better than this"

"I know, just today I don't what's wrong me"

I get off the floor and walk over to the aid table. We've been training for hours now. I'm never this bad. Usually I would have been up and out of the simulation with all the training I have but I just can't today.

"Is today just one of those days"Diem ask as she wraps her arm

"I guess so" I take the wrap from her after she's done and start to wrap my leg. We go hard when it comes to training. Some days I'll woke up with bruises and other days I will be bleeding because one of my wraps came undo"They're going to yell at us"

"When don't they yell at us when we finish training"We laugh as we put some of out things away and start to head out of Training room 3.

"Do you want to go somewhere?"


"I don't know, somewhere to eat maybe"

"I'm down" I say as we turn the corner and head into the lounge pit. "We're done"

Nick and Dalen look up from what they were doing and stare at us. At first it was in awe because we're their girlfriends, them it turned to a dark kinda look because we're sweaty and in leggings with sports bras. And then they noticed our bandage wraps

"Are you serious" They made they way towards us.

I looked at Diem"Told you" I mouthed to her

Nick grabs my arm to hold as he lifts up my leg. My wraps are sticking out of the bottom so he was able to see them. "How bad?"

"Just a few cuts and bruises. Nothing new"

"Mags you know I rather you have new cuts and bruises" I roll my eyes


"No Mags." I looked up at him confused. He didn't mind when I first start training so why is it a problem now."I don't want you getting anymore"

"I'm only doing this so I can defend myself if something every happens"

"Well nothing will happen because I can protect"

I don't get it. Why is being like this"Nick, weather you can protect me or not, I want to be able to protect myself"


"And who to say you can always protect me"

"Mags, I said no!And that's final"The room went silent. I look up at him shocked. He's never controlling so why is he being now. Nick softened his face"Mags I'm-"

I rip away from him"No it's fine"


"Come on Diem let's go"

I walk to the entry way and grab my jacket. I walk out of the house and wait for Diem. She comes out with me and we walk to her car.

She starts it up and drives out of the property"So...where do you want to eat"

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