8:Dog Tag

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Mag's POV

You know when you start to like someone and everything. And then you start to think about what it would be like if you two started dating. You think about it so much that you are in fact dating them in your head. But they don't know it. You get your hopes up about them so much to the point that everything they do affects you.

It gets to the point that it affects you so much that the littlest thing can hurt you. And the worst part is that you feel like this so quick too.

Liking someone who will never like you back is painful but it's even more painful when that person is caring towards you without knowing how you feel about them.

"Where's your car?"

"Um, it's not my car. It's Maria's"Nick looks down at me confused"She's my mom?"Why did it come out like a question? I know how to speak and yes Maria is my adoptive mother so technically she is my mom

"Okay, well want a ride home?"

There he goes with being caring. It's kinda hard  not to fall for Nick, even if it has been a day. But you know, it's like when you see a stranger when you go out shopping and you find them attractive but even though you don't talk to them at all you continue to think about them until you eventually lose feelings and forget about them.

It's like that with Nick, I think


"I'll take that as a yes" He grabs my hand and pulls us to his car. His really nice car. Now, I don't know shit about cars but judging by the way it is shiny and everything, I call this expensive. He opens the passenger door and waits for me to get in. I slide in and relax to the cushion of his car seat. Is this leather? Since when is leather comfortable?

Nick gets in and starts up the car. I look over at him after I put on my seat belt. After he seems situated he looks over at me and smiles. Why is he so cute? Like I'm not one to catch feelings all that quickly but why is he-

"I'm 18"

Oh. right. I turn to the window as he starts to drive off. He wouldn't like me. I'm just a 16 year old girl that he saved from being kidnapped. The only reason he's driving me home right now is because he probably doesn't want that happen again.

I wish I had her here with me. She would tell me that I'm way over my head and that I'm acting and feeling like this because Nick is my first crush. I've never really liked any other guys before. I don't know why I just never did. I mean yeah, when I see a blonde hair guy my heart beat speeds up but I never really had feelings for someone.

She would tell that the best way to quit looking at Nick like that is to just look at him as a friend. As that he is just someone who walked into my life and we are only to be friends. I mean there are plenty of people out there who are guys and girls and they are best friends to the end of time.

Maybe that could be me and Nick. He will be my 2 years older best guy friends that I go to for advice.

Yeah, we wouldn't date. We won't do anything a couple would because we will just be a couple of best friends.

We pasted a gate onto a rode that lead up a mountain.   Wait, a mountain. I wanted to go home not hiking

"Wh-where are we going" I turn to look at Nick. He doesn't answer but continues to drive until we reach the top. He backs up to the edge. "Nick?"

"Come on" He turns off the car and gets out. I unbuckle my self and step out of the car. I turn and head to the back where Nick is. He is leaning up against his trunk. I mimic his actions."Sorry. I know you want to go home but I tried to talk to you but you wouldn't respond"

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