26:Rae and Zach Cunnings

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Mags's POV

"So where even is Maria right now" Nick ask as he lays down on my lap as we sit on the floor.

He's been here for I think an hour and a half now. We ate the food he brought and now we've just been on the floor talking. I'm up against my bed while Nick is laying down flat with his head in my lap.

I, of course, started to play with his hair

"She's at bingo night" I continue to comb his brown hair with my fingers

"Wow, I'm a bad influence. First you sneak in late, then you disappear out of not where, and now you are sneaking boys into your room" He was jokingly judging me" i think we need to break up" He get up and heads to the window

"Wait what" I get up and stop him"No, Nick you aren't a bad influence, trust me. I just messed up those times okay? We don't-" he stopped me from talking by kissing me.

"I'm joking Mags. I just got you, there's no way I plan on losing you anytime soon" I stare up at Nick and flick my eyes back and further between his blue one as I slow bring my hands up to his face.

Leaning up, I place a slow kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, he stopped me and kissed me back.

There is just something about Nick's kisses. Like he is so gently with me, like I'm a house of cards and if he messes up, I'll fall apart. But at the same time, he seems to be rough, but not too rough to where he would hurt me.

I let out a small gasp when I felt his tongue enter my mouth. Nick's hand went to my waist and brought my hips closer to his as he slowly become rougher with me.

I moaned out as he continued to kiss me. I felt a small wetness in my shorts. I tried to keep up with his pace and kisses but it was hard. Like, I'm slowly becoming a horny moaning mess, kind of hard.

I felt Nick's hands go down to my waist and grab the bottom of my top.

It's pretty obvious I've never have sex before but I-i can't do this. Not yet at least.

I was about to stop him when Nick pulled away from me"It's this okay?"

I looked up at him as I tried to catch my breath. He didn't move. he didn't continue to try and pull off my shirt or started to kiss me again. He didn't do anything.

He was waiting for my okay.

I place my hands on his and hold them"Um, I'm sor-sorry. But I don't-"

"It's okay Mags. There's no rush, we can wait as long as you want"

I bring my hand up to the back of his head and comb the hair back there"Thank you" Nick smiles down at me before kissing my forehead.

"Do you want to just sit and watch YouTube or something?"

I would love too. But I want to get rid of the problem in my pants. Not like that, just the wetness"Sure, but i have to go to the bathroom real quick" I leave his hold and head out of my room and to the bathroom.

Once I get there and close the door, I look in the mirror. Wow, my hair's all messed up. I pulled down my pants and sit down.

After doing my business, I make sure to wipe myself dry and clean. Before I stand up, I try to calm myself down and get rid of any thoughts that could bring the wetness back.

After a few minutes, I finally stand back up and wash my hands. Drying them off, i open the door and turn off the light.

"So what do you want to watch, games, tv clips, funny videos-" I cut my self off after I walked in my room to fine Nick with a bunch of papers in his hands"What are you doing?"

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