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Mag's POV

Today is Sunday and officially the first day of work. My boss, Marty, told me that I had to come in at 12. Currently it's 10:15. I just got out of the shower.

"Okay what to wear." The store colors are red and black. I decided to just go with a simple long sleeve red shirt with some black leggings. I brush out my hair and tie it up into a bun. It took about three times to do so, in an attempt to make it look good. 

I go over to my desk and sit down. A little make-up wouldn't hurt. I grab my gimme brow and start to fill in my brows. I have a pretty good natural brow shape so I don't have to clean them up. I apply some mascara as well as."Glasses or contacts?" The question I ask myself daily

I don't want my glasses getting in the way today. Grabbing my contacts, I carefully put them in before getting my bag together. My shift is from 12 to 11. I only work weekends for now. During the school week, I work shorter hours, obviously.

I slip of my shoes and make sure I have all my stuff together before heading out to the living area

"Maria, I need-"

"Ah,no Inglés" Maria will forever be a weird women. When she first started to teach me Spanish, she would sometimes spend a day only speaking Spanish so that I would learn it better. It's  been 11 years but she does it somethings

I roll my eyes at her"Maria, Necesito tomar prestado tu auto hoy"(Maria, I need to borrow your car today)

She raises her eyebrow at me as she continues to sew up a blanket."¿Por qué?"(Why?)

"Tengo trabajo y no salgo hasta las 11 de esta noche"(I have work and I don't get off until 11 tonight)

"Bien, pero te mataré si no estás en casa a las 11:15."(Fine, but I will kill you if you aren't home by 11:15)

"¿Por qué?"(Why?)

"Porque lo último que necesito es que te pierdas tarde en la noche"(Because, the last thing I need is for you to go missing late at night)

I walk over to her and kiss her on the forehead"Estaré a salvo y volveré inmediatamente después del trabajo. lo prometo"(I will be safe and be back right after work. I promise). I head to the front door and grab her car keys. I don't have a car obviously but I do have my license.

I climb into the car and start it up. Hopefully the first day of work is going to be good


Lays, knock offs, store brand, candy.

Hasn't changed in the last few hours. So far, work as been great. Marty walked me through the job and taught me how to do change and the cash register. It's been very quiet today and  I only had about 5 customers today.

One was an old lady trying to buy some soap, which we don't have. Three middle schoolers just buying snacks and some guy who brought a small thing of honey. He kept eyeing me but I tried not to show my uncomfortableness

Right now I have about 25 minutes or so until my shift is over. No one told me working was going to be hard.

 Could I close early? Would Marty know I did? I mean it's 10:30 at night, who would be- As I walked back behind the counter I noticed a car pull up. Never mind.

I don't do anything but wait for them to come in. Once the door opens, they come straight to the counter without looking at me"Pack of smokes, brand doesn't matter" I can't really see his face but he doesn't really look of age

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