9:School House Fight

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Fuck it, let's update twice today :)

Mag's POV

Two weeks later

One thing I have always wondered was, when does the school just randomly start to hate on and bully a person for no reason.

Like I've been at this school just a little over a week and everyone was like"Oh that's the new girl, she seems chill" and now they are like "Who the fuck does she think she is"

Like right now, just walking down the hallway is a enough to cause me to collapse to the ground and cry hysterically. If I didn't run to the bathroom to take some of my meds, I probably would be on the ground right now

The past week went by fast and he didn't message me again. I'm not going to lie to myself and say that someone here at school did it because no one here knows what happened. None of them look at me like they did at my old school.

He  spread wrong information about what had happened and that caused everyone to turn on me. I would get corned and yelled out for being a murderer . But I wasn't. I think. I mean I didn't mean to get taken away and almost raped. Or to run away into the rode like I did. Or to cause her car to swerve into a tree, killing her.  

I didn't mean to do any of it.

But in some way, I still did.

I get to my locker but only to open it to a bunch of papers falling out. I don't bother picking them to read them because they are just going to be a bunch of insults that I don't understand.

I exchange my books and close my locker before spinning the dial so that it locks.

Right now I have I think science. Today we are working with our partner. My partner is Theo or something like that. I can't ever focus in that class because this girl  who sits behind me keeps messing with me. Like you know in those movies where the little kid keeps poking and pulling a girls hair.

She's the exact definition of that.

I walk into class and sit down at my lab table. I don't know what we're doing today and honestly I don't want to know. I hate science so much. Like what is the point of learning about the elements and how molecules are formed? It makes no since. 

I mean I would be lying if I said I didn't like the labs but not the difficult ones, the ones where there's candy involved.

I look down as students start to pile into the class. I smile as I look down at Nick's dog tag.  I haven't taken it off since he gave it to me. Every time I'm working and he comes by, he stares at it for a bit before making eye contact with me.

I'm telling you guys, it's very intimidating and it makes me feel........horny

I've never done anything before but I know everything. I know that when you are......horny....you tend to feel a build up and will feel it until you release. I never touched myself because I'm scared.

Not of the action, but of Maria.

Maria was very strict with me not to do anything sexual in her house or at all for that matter when I was going into middle school. 8th grade to be exact.  She didn't want me doing something I would regret later on because of what it would cause

if you're not following, she was talking about pregnancy 

I grab onto Nicks tag and hold it between my fingers.

"Wow, this is so cute" I watch as the tag is rip out of my hands and off of my neck. "Thanks, I really needed something to spice up this outfit." It's her. The girl that picks on me in this class. I don't even know her name.

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