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Mag's POV

"No,no, I said to be there in 30. Tristan I don't give a fuck if you just got back home, I need you at the house, in 30 minutes. And if you are not there when I get there, consider yourself a dead man walking" I watch as Diem hangs up the phone and throw it down on the center console.

I can't believe it. I'm meeting Diem. The first time I'm meeting her, she saved me for after I got kidnapped.

Wait, what if she thinks I'm dorky, or that I am weak and will just be like a baby bird. Or what is

"Mags"I snap out of my thoughts"Are you feeling okay? Did they give you anything"

"I don't think so. I mean, they just hit me is all"She nodded her head as she continued driving. I don't know where we are going but I have a feeling it's too the safe house.

Actually come to think of it, something did happen to me, they held something up to my mouth and it made me got limp and unconscious.

"Well, they held something against my nose and mouth when they took me. It smelt funny"

"What did it smell like?"

"I don't know, it made me pass out though"

' Okay, I think you were drugged" Drugged? I was drugged? I felt my chest start to close up and my breathing getting quicker. I search for my bag and grab it. Thank god those guys didn't take it from me. I grab my pill bottle and pop it open.

I take two pills and shallow them down with some water I brought when I started work this morning.

"You okay?"I forgot Diem was with me

"I have panic attacks"Nothing was said after that.

We continued to drive until we reached an open dirt field. In the middle of it looked to be what i think was a warehouse. Or what used to be a warehouse. I don't know.

"Welcome to the temporary safe house" Diem stops the car before getting out. I follow her actions and walk with her inside.

Yeah, you can't really tell if this is a house or a warehouse. The inside has a small living area off to the side when you first walk in and then a hallway to a kitchen and to the right of it looks to be a lounge like area.

"This a temporary safe house?"I question as we walk into the kitchen. There was a guy in there. he had dark hair and glasses. He looked to be about 20 or so

"Yeah, I'm sure you already know what happened to the last one" Diem walks over the guy and they talk.

Why would I know what happened to the last one?

I walk over to the two."This is Mags, She was drugged  and then assaulted. Mags, meet Tristan, our doctor" I wave at him as I'm seated on the counter."So, you're the girl Nick has been talking about"

"I guess. Does he talk about me a lot"

"Well when he wakes up, he ask for my advice about you. When he goes to see you, he ask what he should talk about and when he comes back, you're all he can talk about. I would say he doesn't talk about you a lot"She smiles at me. I return it.

Tristan cleans up my small wounds and takes my blood to see what I was drugged with. What if is something bad, like you seem fine at first but then out of nowhere you drop dead and die.  What if that guy comes back for me. What if he was Miles?"Diem?"


"Is Miles the one that kidnapped me?"She seems shocked and confused by my question

"Um, Mags, what has Nick been telling"

"Almost everything. The last thing he told me was that Miles killed you and you survived"Diem widened her eyes at what I said. What? Was I missing something?

"Mags, that was months ago. Why didn't Nick tell you?"

"Tell me what"

"Mags, Miles is dead"

Dead? He's dead. But wait, that's good, so,

Why didn't Nick tell me


I decide to break up this chapter and the next so, sorry for the short chapter

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