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Please read: I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out today so I won't be able to update for a while after this chapter. I hope you guys can understand and I love you guys and your support. Have fun reading.

Mag's POV

Nick is in a gang

Him and his friends are gang leaders

And someone named Miles is after them.

I like a gang leader. But I can't. I could get hurt or worse killed

It's been 3 hours now and I'm still under the rounded desk. They left the room but I don't know if they have left the school yet. I'm scared. I mean why wouldn't I be. He is after me and the guy that i like is a gang leader who is being hunted. Of course this is my life. 

"Ow" I whisper out as I remove my right hand from my leg. I look at it and see that there is blood on it. Looking down at my leg I realize that it is bleeding as well. I must have been squeezing it so hard from anxiety.

I take off my bag and dig it for my meds. If I'm causing my self to bleed cause of how much I'm squeezing myself, it's only a matter of time until I have an attack.

I moved everything around in there but I couldn't find my meds. Where are they? I know I packed them. 

My eyes widen.  I left them in my locker

Okay, should I risk it just to get my meds. I mean what's the worst that could happen

Oh, nothing too bad. Just you would lose oxygen and your lungs will close up making it impossible for you to breathe and then you will be laying on the ground, becoming very cold and feel like something heavy is being pressed up on you until you die

 Yeah I need my meds.

Get out from underneath the desk, I look over the top and see they aren't around. I jump over it and walk out.

Okay, I just need to find a way to get to my locker and back to the library without being seen. I continue down the hall. I don't hear anything. That's a good sign. I reached the teacher's lounge. I peek in and see two of the guys in there.

"I'm telling you, we have to get girls Erik, Dalen has Diem and Nick claims he likes some girl he met at some corner store" They're both wearing the same outfit. Black jeans and jean jackets with a white shirt. They also have on a dog tag. Just like the one Nick gave me

"Chez, trust me I know that" Erik's,i think, voice died down before he talked again" But I can't stop thinking about that kiss. It's messing with my mind and I almost want to experience it again Look man, I have been thinking...."

I was able to sneak pass the door and away from the two. I didn't hear what they said after that but the conversation sounded private.

I turned the corner and now it's a home run to my locker. I get there and quickly open it. And there it is, from and center.

I grab it and open it. Taking out two pills I put them in my mouth. I grab the water bottle that's been in my locker for a while now, i wash them down.

Time to go back into hiding.

"We need to get rid of out fingerprints of this place. Miles's men saw us go in here. who knows they could frame us for something"Nick

My eyes start to tear up. He's dangerous. He's a criminal

Ma'am, he's coming this way, you need to hide

 Shutting my locker, I spin the dial so that it closes all the way. I look around. Where to hide? Where to hide?

I spot the janitor's closet. Good enough for now. I rush over there and get in. I lean up against the door.

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