35:Smokes and Chips Pt.2

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Three years later

For the first time in three years, I think I need my pills.

Pulling a small strand of hair out of the bun, I look at my self in the mirror. It's weird. To see my self all dolled up and pretty like. I mean, I never wear heels or wear this kind of makeup. And my dress, it's so beautiful.

While looking in the mirror, I adjust it by my waist"It looks fine"

I spot Diem walking in the room in her maid of honor dress. She walks up behind me and fixes my dress for me"You look beautiful."

"Promise you're not mad I'm getting married before you"

"Girl, my wedding is in a month. Focus on yours right now. You have nothing to worry about"Both us look in the mirror. Our eyes going to the same place"Well maybe one thing"

Smiling I grab her hands"Do you think she would be proud?"

"Of course. She supported you not matter what."

"You think she would support a fellow leader of the Mafia?"

"You were her daughter, of course she would"I try not to cry thinking about her, but how can I not. It's my big day."Sure you want to walk on your own?"

I nod my head"yeah"Letting go of my hands, Diem goes and grabs my veil."And I'm not wearing that"

"Oh thank god. It hideous compared to everything else" We laugh out. Soon the music starts to play"It's time. You got this"

"Thank you Diem. For everything"

"Anything for you Mags"Walking out the room Diem disappears down the hall. Looking in the mirror on last time, I grab my flowers. If you told me when I was 17 that I would be getting married at 20, to a 22 year old mafia leader, I would have asked what drug you were on.

Exhaling, I turn around and walk out of my room. The music gets louder and louder. I can feel my heartbeat speeding up. Stopping, I try and calm my breathing. But it's hard.

Nick and I thought it would be a good idea be apart for a week before the wedding. So this is my first time seeing him since we last left each other. What if he has second thoughts? What if he quits mid wedding? What if-

"Hey, what's wrong"

"Diem, I don't know if I can do this"

Letting out a sigh, Diem grabs my arms so that I look at her"Mags, you can do this. And I already know you thinking about Nick. And you're afraid. But let me tell you, the only thing you should be afraid of is walking out." I nodded my head"You have waited three years for this moment, go out there and get it."

"Thanks Diem" Smiling she leaves. I can do this. I'm ready to do this.

Taking a deep breath, I walk forward before turning the corner. Once I did, all eyes were on me. Most of the guest are from the boy's family, but i didn't really care. Walking down the aisle I make eye contact with Diem, as a way to calm my self.

I was half way down when her eyes shifted. Following where they were going, I make eye contact with Nick. His eyes are glossy, like he's holding back tears. His mouth is open like he can't believe that I'm here.

I honestly can't either.

I finish walking down the aisle and before I knew it I was standing in front of Nick

"You may be seated"

In all honesty, i wasn't paying attention. I was at my own wedding and I wasn't even paying attention. All I could do is look at Nick. He looked so handsome. Not seeing him for a week really did something for me.

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