Summer Rain || n.h. au by nothingiscertain

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Summer Rain || n.h. by nothingiscertain


❝She was the calm and quiet presence of summer rain, slipping by in the dead of night unnoticed and leaving everything untouched.

He was the disorder and intensity of a hurricane, shaking up the world until nothing was the same.❞

She was quiet and reserved. He was loud and ambitious. She sat in the background and allowed life to pass by while she silently observed. He was at the center of attention and took life by storm. She laughed to cover up her tears. He laughed because it felt right.

She was terrified of being hurt. He was terrified of hurting her. But sometimes fear can do things to people; make them so careful that it alienates them toward emotion until they feel nothing at all. He tried to teach her how to not be so afraid. But people are who they are and there's little that can be done to change that.

However, in a world of differences, they were also similar. She had secrets. He kept parts of his life hidden. She fled halfway across the world in an attempt to forget the past. He left his small hometown in hopes of starting over. They were two lonely souls who searched the world endlessly, not realizing what they were searching for until they found each other.

Fate, some would have called it. Or, was it just another hormonal, passionate, college relationship, nurtured by the new freedom they experimented with, and doomed to fall apart at the slightest obstacle? What dark secrets are spilled and whose crimson blood is shed? Who emerges with the upper-hand in the treacherous battle field known as love? Is it possible for summer rain to learn how to make the impact of a hurricane?

Nobody said college was easy. Nobody said love was easy. Hell, nobody said life was easy.


Rating:- 10/10

My opinion:-

Really good story!! It's a really good fanfiction and definitely worth reading if your are looking for a Niall fanfic. I'm going to apologize that I haven't read it all as there is so much to read and I only have so much time on my hands. What I read was amazing and I think you needed to finish it and you'll get plenty of readers. (Even though you already have loads!) Keep writing! Ill definitely check it out again and read it properly when I have a chance!

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