The Guy's Tattoo by ParisWriterXD

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The Guy's Tattoo by ParisWriterXD


Have you ever been drunk or had a hangover and can't remember anything from last night. Well I haven't but I know someone who did, Natasha did that night. That night was the night everything changed if that night she hadn't discover her boyfriend Blake was a cheater than she'd be with him and maybe her story would've have gone differently. She wouldn't have someone to cure her broken heart like Jason or her friends would've never realized there feelings. She might have never found out about Jason's secret or the reason he was running away from home. So many things would've not happen and these things all happened thanks to the guy's tattoo.


Rating: 9.5/10

My opinion:

I really like it. It has a storyline with a mystery you want to find out that'll keep you reading. I like the description as it doesn't give away too much and makes you interested. When the story is completed make sure you edit it as there are a few mistakes but nothing too bad. Also I like how you've named the chapters. One thing is though, as a reader I like to know how many chapters there are in the story and which chapter I'm on so maybe number them as well like '1 : name of chapter ' or something otherwise I love it!!

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