L.A.I.R by a-dora-ble

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L.A.I.R by a-dora-ble


"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare.

After the unexplainable death of her parents, it felt like Zara's life was torn apart. Being orphaned as a child, with no living relatives, meant that she was immediately handed over to social services, where she was dragged from foster home to foster home; each one worst than the last. Every single day was lived in fear. That is, until an estranged grandfather one day appeared out of nowhere and took Zara under his wing, proving that the world wasn't as dark of a place as she thought it to be. Life seemed to pick itself up again, until the most unexpected person stumbled into her life and spiraled it yet again out of control...

Max Reiber is your stereotypical popular guy. He's rich, handsome, idolized, but most of all, heartless. There isn't a living soul in his school that doesn't recognize the name Reiber, as it belongs to his father, owner of a world-renowned pharmaceutical company. Everyone envies him for his perfect life, but is it really as perfect as he makes it seem?


Rating:- 10/10

My opinion:-

Really good! Really unique and I love the idea. Really descriptive, full of surprises and a mystery which you really want to figure out. I see a good future for it so keep going!!

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