Just a Little Different by memphsis2712

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Just a Little Different by Memphis 2712


Jasmine has always been a little different. She wears dark make-up and dedicated her life to music. She finds school hard - not academically wise, but people don't really like her. What happens when she goes to a BVB concert and Jarred shows up and tries to kill her? Well a familiar face shows up course!


Rating: 7/10

My opinion:-

It's good. I like the story line and how it goes and I love your writing style however... there was some problems. I felt it moved all too quickly. I think you need to start if off explaining her past a bit better. Maybe a couple of chapters showing her friendship with Rachel and her being bullied by Jared but without giving away too much about her life then take her to the concert then the story can work on from there. The I love yous also came really quickly and they barely knew each other. Slow it down and it'll be perfect. Keep going x

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