Reviving the Truth by taylor_luvs

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Reviving the Truth by taylor_luvs


"Why are we here?" I ask. My body trembles from the memories overtaking me.

"We're not like the others," he says in a hushed tone.

Are we being monitored?

"What do you mean?" I match my tone to his.

He holds his finger over his mouth.

"Shhh, they can hear us."

No one is supposed to remember. But Bonny and Noel do.

For the questioning secrets of their society to get out would tear apart there entire lifestyle.

Imprisioned by the government, Bonny and Noel must continue to search for a way out and remove the shields from everyone's eyes about what really happened. No matter how deep it sinks, the truth always surfaces.


Rating:- 9/10

My opinion:-

It's really good. I love it's uniqueness. There are points when it's a bit too quick moving. I think it needs slightly more detail otherwise it is awesome!

Keep going!

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