Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Finally our food arrived and I couldn’t be more grateful that the chief paid a little more attention to his food then he did to Maggie while we ate. What was his deal? He literally just met her only an hour ago and already he was smitten with her. Well, who could blame the chief? Maggie was breathtakingly beautiful and she had a presence that could hook anyone in. If you looked into her gorgeous blue eyes, you would be lost forever, just like I was. I found myself wanting her more and more each day and it was torture knowing she lived three doors down from me, but I couldn’t fully have her. She had just returned to the city after being gone for six years and I didn’t want to send her away for another six years. I don’t want to rush things with her. I want to give her time to come to me, but it appears like moving slowly would become futile because the Chief wanted her too. And he was definitely letting it known. I could see Alex would tense up whenever the Chief would flirt with Maggie. Alex thought of her as his daughter and he vowed to keep her safe after her parents’ murder.

“So, Maggie, you Matthew seem to spend a lot of time together, anything I should be worrying about?” Alex asked her and the eyed me, clearly to get the Chief off her back and make him think she and I were seeing each other.

“Well, we do spend quite a bit of time together, but we are just catching up. It’s been six years Uncle Alex. I’ve missed Matthew quite a lot.” Maggie answered her uncle.

“Yes, Alex, we have spent quite a bit of time together. Maggie is amazing and it is great to have her back in town. I’ve missed her a lot as well.” I answered his indirect question to me while I looked at Maggie.

“So, you two know each other pretty well Detective Holden, huh?” I heard the chief ask me.

“Yes, we have been through a lot together, I guess you could say.” I replied with a snap. I gritted my teeth. I don’t really like this new chief. Andrew Jacobs just felt off to me. Then again, we haven’t had a great chief since Chief Collins was murdered. I don’t think anyone could fill his spot and do his job as good as he did.

I miss the chief every single day. I know Maggie does too. You can see in her captivating eyes that she still holds an immense amount of sadness in her heart. I so desperately wanted to fill that hole in her heart as much as I could, as much as she would let me, but I could tell that it would be a challenge with Jacobs here trying to get in her pants. He didn’t want her for her, he wanted a good lay and a quick one. That was how his typical “relationships” went. He would flirt heavily with his “victim” until she was ready to let him have her and then he’d be done a few days later. His longest relationship lasted about a month and we all thought he was getting serious about the girl. Then one day he moved on to his next conquest. Arrogant asshole. I hated him for how he used women like that. I was not going to allow Maggie to be hurt like that. I had to protect her, keep her safe.

Soon dinner came to an end. I couldn’t be happier. I just wanted to get out of Chief Jacobs’ presence immediately.

“So, Maggie, you need a ride home?” Jacobs asked her, but before she could respond, I jumped in quickly. I could not let him take her home.

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